Chapter 11- Prank Gone Wrong

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It so hot...I thought it was fall...

I slowly open my eyes. I notice light is coming through the curtains that cover the balcony's glass door.

It's daytime...?

I try to get up, but I'm stopped by something holding me down.
It's an arm.
I then notice Bakugo is hugging me. He appears to be asleep...He has his arms wrapped around my waist and his head is resting on the pillow, facing me.

He looks so peaceful...I'm tempted to not wake him...but I need to something besides lay in bed all nice as that sounds...I am pretty comfortable...

I try to grab my phone, but my arm isn't long enough. I try again, this time wiggling a little out of Bakugo's grasp.

I got! I got my phone!

I feel movement behind me. I turn around and see that Bakugo is waking up.
Bakugo sits up and rubs the sleepy out of his eyes.


He then looks around, probably confused as to where he is. He then see me.
"What time is it...?" Bakugo asks in a tired voice.
I look at my phone and say,
"The time is 8:26am."
Bakugo nods and then pulls me into a hug.
"I'm going back to bed...goodnight..." Bakugo mumbles and pulls me back down into the sleeping mat.

Am I basically a human teddy bear now...? Oh well...I guess I can try to get some sleep...

I face Bakugo and snuggle my face into his chest. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.

 I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep

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I slowly open my eyes. I try to get up, but something is holding me down...Bakugo.

Is he seriously still sleeping!?!?

I look up and see that he has his eyes open.
"I see that you are awake," I mumble, once again trying to get up, and failing.
"I am, I woke up a while ago..." Bakugo replies.
"What time is it?" I ask, giving up on getting out of bed, so I wrap my arms around Bakugo's neck and rest my head on his chest.
"It's...11:40," He replies.
"Oh...we should probably get up soon..." I mumble.
Bakugo nods his head and sits up. I sit up with him.
I look down at my clothes and notice I'm still wearing my gym uniform.

I can go get my school uniform, I can come back, change, wash my gym uniform...and those socks over there...I can also change into some comfy clothes...yeah...okay...there's my schedule for the rest of the day.

I get up off the sleeping mat and put my shoes on. I then make my way to the school to grab my uniform.
Once I grab my uniform, I go back to the dorms and go to my dorm. I lock the door and then go into the closet and look for something comfy to change into. I decide on my black jeans, black converse, black tank top, and my pick with black writing "I'm a Cat" hoodie.

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