Chapter 2

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Andy hadn't moved all morning, just sitting in his bed scrolling through social media just like hours before. The blonde took a long sigh about to close his phone when a notification popped up.

From Blair 🙄:
Mate, I forgot to tell you, we have a new member joining today 🤪

To Blair 🙄:
I know that now...
Jack just told me about it.

From Blair 🙄:
Oh, well at least now you know. Make sure you're ready by 5.

To Blair 🙄:
Okay what ever, bye.

From Blair 🙄:
Bye mate.

With another big sigh the blonde lifted from his comfortable bed. As he made his way towards the door leading to the toilet he spotted the raven haired turn in his sleep.

"Hey" Andy said while stretching.

"Hey.... did you hear?"

"Hear what?" The blonde said looking straight in his direction, confused.

"About..... Rye" he hesitated.

"Aah, so you knew as well..." The blonde said quietly, almost too quiet that Mikey just about heard him. It hurt him. Out of all people he trusted, Mikey was him. He would have thought he would have told him. Mikey just looked down in sympathy not being able to hold eye contact with the other.

That hurt even more. They had spent hours on the phone with each other the week Andy had gone home. Why didn't he mention it then? Did he not think he was important enough in the band to know?

The questions just kept growing in his head, it was too much. He gave one last look at the raven haired but after no response carried on his way to the bathroom.

Andy didn't speak much to his band mates that morning.

A couple of hours went by and it was getting close to five, it was already two, so he didn't really have much to do but wait around.
He was still mad at the boys for not telling him anything about the new member that is joining that very day. However he couldn't do much about it, what else could he do. He told the band mates his viewpoint on the new member and gave each of them a piece of his mind but there was nothing but that he could do.

"I'm going to the shops, I will be back before we have to meet Ryan." Andy shouted  out to the boys as, he slipped on his shoes and walk out of the flat, leaving a slamming door behind him.

He started walking towards the shops and even though he was mad at Mikey for not telling him, he still filled the blonde's head.
He just couldn't get the guilt expression on his face. The look of guilt clear as day on the ravened hair boy's face, the way he couldn't keep eye contact with him made his heart twist painfully.

'I shouldn't feel guilty, he is the one who didn't tell me something this important.' Andy kept repeating in his head everyone his best friends guilty face popped into his head.

While Andy was having a civil war inside his head he failed to notice he has stepped foot into the busy traffic. He wasn't paying attention until a sudden load horn ringing through his ears.

* 𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 *

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