Chapter 24

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Andy's PoV

"So where are we going" i said turning my head away from the window i was once looking at to the face of my date, Mikey Cobban.

"We are going to my auntie's wedding, her and Lizzie's wedding to be exact, if that's okay with you?" He asked looking at me for a split second before turning back to the road.

"Yeah thats fine" i gave him a small smile and turned back to the window. What

(Time skip: they arrive at the wedding the ceremony has happened and they are at the after party)

I was sitting around the table while Mikey was off talking to his auntie and his new auntie. He gave them both his signature big smile that my heart use to flutter at every time I'd see it even if it wasn't directed at me.

"Why you looking so glum?" Asked a man that sat on the table across from me.

"Oh um i don't know, just a bit down i guess" I hesitated.

"How rude of me, I'm Alex by the way" he said standing up and sitting next to me holding out his hand shake.

"Andy" i said returning the hand shake.

"So how do you know Jessie and Lizzie?" he asked looking over at the two new married women and Mikey.

"Oh I'm actually here with Mikey" i said playing with my nail polish that Rye had helped me apply the night before. "You?"

"Oh I've known them for years, my mom is actually that got them two together really, they were all best friends and my mother saw how Jessie and Lizzie were like and automatically knew there liked each other" he said with a soft smile turning his gaze towards me. I returned the smile. A genuine one.

"Hey you wanna dance" i turned my head away from the young man sitting next to me towards my date who had left me to congratulate his new aunts. Which was 100% understandable.

"Oh um " i asked hesitantly, i didn't want to leave Alex all by himself.

"Oh go ! Your on a date remember that" Alex said pushing my shoulder playfully, i gave him a nod before taking Mikey's hand and walking towards the dance floor.

The music wasn't really slow so me and him just jumped around like a bunch of idiots. Its moments like this which i am really happy that me and him are friends.

Slowly the lights became really dim and the music faded out. I gave a a questionable look which he replied with raised shoulders.
When the music came back on, it was slow and a male soft voice. Mikey leaned in a wrapped his arms around my waist. I replied by doing what Rye had taught me and wrapped my hands around his neck.

Once I listened to the song i could easily say it was 'The night we meet' by Lord Huron. When i listened to the song i couldn't stop thinking about Rye, completely forgetting the amazing person in front of me. When i looked to the side, i thought i had saw Rye, why am i doing this? I finally have the man of my dreams, why do i keep thinking about him!

"Andy..." i looked back at Mikey who had a sad but happy look on his face "I think you should go to him"

"Who?" I asked confused at what Mikey was saying.

"I think we both know who we are talking about..." he said

"Seriously Mikey i have no idea what you are going on about" i said,

"Geez, Andy i think you should go to Rye!" He screamed, but not loud enough for other people to listen in.

"Why Mikey? Why would i go to Rye?" I asked getting quite nervous for what he was going to admit next.

I know i was going to realise it soon enough but i have been in love with Mikey for ages. I couldn't just forget and go after someone else that i have barely known for not even half the time i have liked Mikey.

"Because you obviously in love with him Andy" he said, stopping our movement but keeping our hands wrapped around each other. " so don't wait as long as you did for me and just tell him before it is too late" once again he gave me the same sad but happy smile.

I gave him a massive kiss on the cheek "thank you Mikey" i said.

"Here" he gave me the keys to his car, but before i could ask how he was gonna get home he interrupted "I'll find my way home don't worry just go! " he said. I gave him a smile.

Im going to get the man that i love.


A/N: Here is chapter 24 of Who Are You? Hope you guys like it and are enjoying it so far!

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