- Chapter 13 -

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(Ailis POV)

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(Ailis POV)

I fumble into the bedroom carefully after my shower. I felt fresh, the water washing away my guilt of gambling once again. I knew I needed to stop. There was no reason for me to keep at such a dangerous habit. I wanted to forget about it all but somehow Rumple always seemed to drag me back in. Once I was finished with this project I would get away from it. There would be no reason for me to need the gold anymore. I'd have unlimited magic.

I cursed my teacher under my breath as I walk up to the sleeping girl on the floor. Emerson was a young beautiful girl and there was no reason for her to be this difficult. Nathan wasn't that important and I honestly saw nothing between them. Except for the fact that he had stayed in the restaurant waiting for her for over forty minutes. Even if that was just because of the magic.

I waddled through the room, my short legs having a difficult time in the long carpet. This room was horrendous and if I had the magic to fix it, I would. What poor college girl would want to live here, especially alone. I wondered if Emerson would ever get a roommate. Glancing around the dump once again. "She better hope she don't," I mutter to myself in my best voice.

I needed to practice my words. I had a hard time talking so Emerson could understand me, this would just lead to more frustration in the future. I hadn't traveled to school with her today so that I could get some work done on my very own projects. I crack my knuckles leaning forward to search my tiny Leprechaun computer.

The buttons were too small as I tried to type the words needed for the assignment. How in the world was I supposed to write 20,000 words about this girl. She was boring. All she did was go to school, hang out with her mom, steal my rice krispy treats. I paused for a moment to think of their delicacies. How dare she not return them, does she just expect me to waste the extra magic traveling with them?

I shook my head trying to get the delicious treats out of my mind. I needed to focus. If I didn't get a start on my paper soon I would never be able to finish it. Scoffing I searched through the documents in my drive rolling my eyes at how mundane human technology was. It was just as boring as their personalities.

A pang of regret rocketed through my chest.

Maybe I should slow my roll on the crap talking. Emerson was providing me with lucky charms and that was a bonus on any planet. Why couldn't we have that same old American food where I come from, the field are perfect, the houses are perfect. Everything is perfect except they don't have those damn lucky charms.

I shook my head once again, I really needed to focus on my paper.

Emerson is a strange creature. I've come to find this out the last week working with here. I know my deadline for this assignment is shorter than on the last ones, but I really feel this is going to be the one. She has met this boy, Nathan I think is his name. He seems to be taking an interest in her as well. I'm not sure if I like this. I feel like it could cause some problems with the assignment.

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