- Chapter 15 -

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I sit at the computer desk scouring over the homework assignments for this week

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I sit at the computer desk scouring over the homework assignments for this week. They all seemed to be due Friday morning. Unfortunately for me it was Thursday night. I had been so busy wedding planning and running around with either Nathan or Ailis that I wasn't able to get any of my assignments done.I let out an annoyed sigh glancing over at the leprechaun sleeping soundly on my pillow. I really shouldn't get too mad at him. Even if he did rip up the note from Nathan. He is probably right, it would have been super awkward to read a note confessing his love when we haven't even gone on a third date. Now I was able to carry on with him without feeling super weird about things.

Ignorance is bliss, and in this case, it was the best thing that could have happened.

I searched through my notes I had taken in class one more time. There was no way I was going to be able to get all of this done by tomorrow. My teacher wanted an eleven page research paper. Here I was staring at a blank computer screen. I didn't even have a title. I smack my forehead. I should have started on this ages ago. Monday would have been nice, the day we had gotten it I should have gotten a huge head start.

Yet here I was, staring mindlessly at the white screen. It wasn't like me to procrastinate things. I was the student that had the summer reading list as quickly as possible so I wouldn't have to deal with it. Ailis had really messed with my life, and that was necessarily a bad thing, but stuff like this couldn't happen. I glance at the snoozing leprechaun once more.

I try my best to put all of my focus into my paper. I needed to at least come up with a topic. The assignment was to write about anything in particular. I glanced at the creature sleeping for the third time. Maybe I could write about him? Maybe I could study how he has acted so far and use it as a hypothesis statement. What it would be like if leprechauns actually existed. I snickered to myself at the thought of that. Writing a what if report on something that I knew actually did exist.

Glancing at the computer once again I began looking up articles about leprechauns. I wanted to get as much history on them as I could for this assignment. I had to have enough information to fill eleven pages. Maybe if I woke Ailis up he would be able to help me. I shook my head not wanting to bother him. I would have to figure this out all by myself. Maybe I would ask him early in the morning if I was still having problems with it.

As I began typing in my word document the world seems to slow around me. My fingers glide across the keyboard as a ridiculous pace but the computer seemed frozen, the second hand on the clock had stopped, and the tv images were frozen on the screen. The world had completely stopped except for myself and Ailis.

"Ailis," I tried to get his attention, turning in my chair. The atmosphere felt weird, the air seeming thick and almost intoxicating. I could almost see stars forming on the ceiling as I lean back in the chair my neck not strong enough to hold my head up anymore. "Ailis, what is going one!" I shout, forceful enough for him to wake up. He rolls over jumping up from where he was sleeping as he looking around the room.

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