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I ordered myself a latte in Starbucks and though my company has the best coffee machine it's like living in a mental hospital with so-called 'workers' in my company.

"Anna, fax those papers to Mr.Woodlocks immediately and I am out if anything important comes just email me" I said in a stern voice.

"Yes sir, anything else?"

"Yes, make sure the conference room is ready by the time I come. Also, place each financial document of this week at every seat" with that I ended the call.

It's good to be away from them. I turned around to take a seat and noticed that people were staring at me but they quickly looked over. I knew they recognise me.

I took a seat and placed my latte but couldn't help to notice that from the corner of my eye, a girl who is teenager gawking at me. Well actually 'gawking' won't be the correct word, it should be 'drooling at me'. I quickly diverted my attention to my phone and started checking all the emails.

All of sudden, someone across me said something in the most beautiful voice. I looked up she was asking me for permission to sit across from me as all tables were occupied.

Her brown hair was put down that reached till her mid-back and with the most gorgeous brown eyeball, I have ever seen. She was wearing a white dress that ended up till her knee, with a pink shrug draped on her hand and a bag of vegetables and some files slung on her shoulder. I guess she is working.

And that moment when that lunatic girl said that her ovaries pop out and I was like 'what-the-fuck' if she had chosen some other pick-up-line I wouldn't be that embarrassed but hey! I didn't expect that to come out of her mouth. When she left the woman across me tried her best not to laugh but she failed and my cheeks freaking turned in the shade of pink. It's not that I'm not used to a compliment but I didn't expect to get this one from any woman.

After a bit of conversation with the woman across me, I knew she didn't recognize me which pulled me more towards her. I looked at my watch and it's all most time to get back because I have meetings lined up.

I said, "I didn't mean to be rude Emma but I have to go."

"Oh that's okay, it was a pleasure meeting you, Elliot" when her tongue rolled my name it helped me to forget that I was pissed off just a few minutes ago before meeting her.

"Darling the pleasure was mine. Hope we see each other again" she gave that angelic smile and I smirked before walking away.

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