37| Make up or Break up

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For everyone out there believe it ' you are perfect the way you are'


"What the fuck?"

"Use that fucking smoke bomb outside this apartment!" I could hint a male voice.

"This not time for boobs"

"What wh--y " heavily coughs "When di-d you ha-have rabies" chokes on black air.

I coughed as looked my sister and her new friend "I-I was bakin-g-g."

"Well I pray for whoever you were the black charcoal cake doesn't end up being dead" Nathan choked in between.

After a few more minutes of all the windows being opened, fans at high speed and throwing my triple chocolate orea cake in the black trash bag, we all flopped down on the sofa. Looking at each other nobody knows what to say, Nathan staring at Riley. Riley staring at me. Well, I busy looking my kitchen wondering what to do now.

I jumped at the sound of the coffee table being slammed "What the fuck is Emma happening?"

I groaned putting my head in my hands "I messed up."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock" Nathan lean back on the sofa, arms crossed.

I frowned "I swear followed the recipe four cups of baking soda and three tablespoons of the floor-"



I slapped my forehead at this silly mistake. It's just some stupid cups and tablespoon, why the hell it is so hard!!

"Are you sure you're not having Alzheimer?" Nathan grunted.


Riley slapped his chest pushing him off the sofa. She turned to me "No, babe seriously, what's wrong? You didn't call since you came back that's like for 3 days."

Frustrated and guilty tears gathered at the corners of my eyes "I fucked up real good!"

"He didn't call me too. He leaves early in the morning and sleeps in his office." Nathan said looking staring at the blank television.

Obviously, we don't need to specify his name. My heart cracked listening to his condition.

Riley stood abruptly and threw all the pillows of the sofa at the floor aggressively, knocking one successfully at Nathan's head. "I will kill you both with my bare hands if somebody doesn't tell what the fuck is happening!!"

After filling up the Riley situation of our little adventure in Europe, she was silent but the minute I stopped talking I never in my wildest dream imagined Nathan saying things are sensible and harsh bitter truth "You know what Emma that's in this situation it is your fault" Riley was ready to pounce on him but he looked at her "No, I'm not saying he is being less asshole. In fact, he is the biggest asshole, the jerk who used assert is domaince on things he wants. He is a flippity flop a cock. Yeah, basically idiotic cock person in the world... Wait Ew!.. Why the fucking hell I'm saying things about his cock-"

"Okay" Riley hurridly interpreted before any more unique curses we could listen "We got what you say, Nath "

Nathan to Nath. Interesting!

He sighed running his hands through his hair "All I'm saying is that my friend never laughed so much, never got on the dance floor, never left office before 11 pm, never asked how to impress a girl and lastly never opened his heart to anyone. And I meant it. He doesn't do these things for anyone to expect you. He has fallen too deep. Give him a chance to understand you."

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