35| He's Faking It

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"Get more twenty severs out. And if anything wrong happens you're company's going to be ruined" I spoke calmly but internally tornado whirling at high speed. The manager let out barely audible answered and fled away instantly.

Nathan raised his eyebrow-raising some honest stupid assumption at me. "You know it's your big day, right?" Nathan mumbled.

Humming in response and he continued "Look, dude, I know what are you thinking but I know she will be here. Girls take time to dress up. Like there are hundreds of pins to be pinned in there hair, shoes, appropriate purse to match with the overall outfit, then biggest pre-shoot before the event, selfie in the bathroom then in front of body mirror or they will-"

"OKAY" I interrupted "Jesus Christ, your speech was way longer than what I've prepared for tonight. I'm going crazy knowing way much time has been passed since she left the hotel she should be here by now." I groaned, rubbing my palms on my face.

A moment from concerning towards my girlfriend leads her to ask me that 'she needs space'. Tell me if I did something or anything wrong. I want her to come to me first if she is having any problem. I'm her boyfriend, after all.

We are a team now, whatever is her problem is mine now. If time is what she needs, I've given her plenty. It's not like this my first time asking her questions about her nightmare, I've tried it earlier also but she used to brush it away. So what's the missing element that she cannot tell me?

"Trust" Nathan smiled answering my unknown question, "before you blow up on me just hear me out- what I have to say I'm not sure but as hypothetical Emma might be hesitant due to earlier playboy persona that you used to carry around. She is an employe and you on other had are CEO of a company, leading to making billions every other day. For what is a minimum luxury for you to her is maximum. I'm not defining her as poor but all I'm saying is her this all new to her. You can't her tell to fucking swim when she barely learns to walk."

"You don't anything about relationships" looking at my shoes, I said guilt twisted inside me.

She would person in the world that can make me fall on my knees for just for her. As time passed by, my feelings for Em is getting stronger day by day. And I'm not ashamed to do anything she asks me to do, she would be imaginably my best deal of life that I've hacked.

He gave me an impression that it's dead serious which mind you that doesn't happen all the time "Listen, man, she is her own person. She might believe that you would ask her this question. But because of your ego, you didn't. A relationship works on compromises. It does not matter who says sorry first what matter is no matter what happens that you willing to make this work."

I was stunned would be a piece of shocking news than what just I heard for childish Mr Potter "Wh-where did you knew this?"

"Oh..Well, Riley earlier exhilarating about this app Pinterest. So I checked what's the fuss about it and man, it helped a lot. I mean look right now, I Nathan Potter giving you advice."

"And does that happen a lot.. Nope. Not at all" He shook his head looking amused at the predicament.

"Hey, I'll right back, I need to attend it," he said referring the buzzing device.

I gave him a nod and stared at the drink in my hand as focused the bubbles fizzle in the glass. Mr Cameron approaches me with his assistant tagging along "Mr Mathews congratulations."

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