24| Slap Therapy

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Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept things that your brain did a long time ago. That's just how our system works.

When we shoot down a drop of water on the table it doesn't matter much but if you keep on dropping the water it will fall off the table and slowly there will be a puddle of water on the floor then lake, a river, an ocean and finally a sea and with our own thoughts we can drown in that sea of negativity.

People always say 'Change your negative thoughts to positive affirmation'. Fear is the path of the dark side. But sometimes you, yourself terrorises yourself of fears that are inside you.

You can't be strong all the time. You need to be left alone for some time and let those tear fall. Which is what I did exactly last night. Its been so long that someone has reminded me of my past. The pain, the loneliness, the tears, it all hit me like bows of arrow tackle every part of my body.

Last night, I never would have thought that the next day, I would end up in his mansion. A warm smiled took place on tear-free face when I realised Elliot wrapped my toothbrush from my last visit in a small transparent bag and marked it with 'EM'

I spit the foam in the sink and splashed some icy water on my face. I grabbed the softest towel and wiped my face. It still feels too foreign standing in the house of the richest person in the world but he makes everything that I meant to deserve all these things.

There was a soft knock on the master bathroom and authority yet gentle and calm voice spoke- Elliot. "Em, the food is here."

I sighed "Just second."

Making sure my hair doesn't resemble a rat's nest, I quickly comb it with my good hand. After one minute running my hand in brown lock and smiling at the resulted outcome, I twisted the doorknob but regret it has I used my injured hand. The pain pierced through my body increased the throbbing in my brain. I took a few breaths and then opened the door with my other hand.

Elliot was standing outside with his arms crossed across his bare toned chest making his arms bulge and abs clenched together, his legs were crossed at his ankle making him resemble a model posing at a shoot. I took in his wide and broad shoulder, my gaze travelled to the muscular arms and his chest was hairless. That abs that I want to feel beneath my finger. He looked at my hands that were holding my left wrist to substitute the pain, he came forward and picked me up in bridal style. A squeal escapes from my mouth but it didn't affect him. He carried me down to staircases of his mansion

I exclaimed, "Hey, my hand is injured not my legs!"

But he didn't respond. I pinched his arms but this guy his made up of muscles.

I cleared my throat, biting my lip when my brain drift to when my legs would be wrapped around him and he would be inside me, giving my body new sensation that I would never imagine..

Shit!!!!!! This wasn't supposed to happen.

"How many people are coming to eat?" I asked, when he set me down on the floor. My gaze focused on the mouthwatering food.

He looked at me as if I've lost my brain. "Uh, only two."

I look at him like now as if he has lost his mind "Dumface! It's too much to have."

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