Trust issues

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>told my current gf to stay off my phone cause I have trust issues from previous relationship
>have gf over for a week
>going well until I wake up this morning to look across at my phone
>gf is already awake and watching my TV
>it was sitting on my headboard above my bed now it's lying on the bed
>whatever, it probably just fell
>open phone
>ALL of my social media apps have been opened
>all of my private messages have been opened
>all of my social messaging apps have been scrolled down like they'd all been read from top to bottom
>even my god damn notes have been searched
>she, of course, found nothing of value
>pull up gf about this
>"are you mad at me, anon?"
Just walked back into the kictchen to type this
We've only been going out like a month and I explicitly told her about my trust issues and that I wasn't hiding anything
Wat do

Pic unrelated

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