my only friend I had died
>be me
>be small town anon
>only one fucking person around thats normal
>he moved up the road and was the only person close to me
>my only friend
>same sense of humor always have fun hanging out and shit
>my only good memories in life are hanging out with my friend
>us hanging out were the only good memories I have
>we would laugh get drunk and high and just make jokes and play video games and laugh our ass off
>we used to hang out every day work out watch tv play video games laugh our dick off all day
>he moves
>see him less and less and less
>every time we hang out we just laugh get high have fun
>he has a kid gets an apartment
>he comes over to my house or i go over to his when his girlfriend is gone
>we get beer and pot
>we chill for a day or two hang out getting high getting drunk
>we had the same sense of humor so we would legit just laugh until we were falling over and dying
>i keep seeing him less and less
>my only good memories are hanging out with him and laughing our ass off
>he moves even farther away and has a second kid
>now i see him like twice a year
>its kinda shitty when we hang out
>he doesnt smoke weed anymore he gets into hard drugs that i dont like doing
>wake up randomly one day
>see on facebook hes dead
>go to his funeral service
>see and talk to his family
>last time ill ever see any of them or my friend
>keep having memories of us hanging out and shit
>get hit with the reminder hes dead and im all alone