Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Word count : 1998

"Emily, it's time to go!" I shout up the stairs. I hear her stumbling out of her room and in the hall.

"Coming!" Her little voice bellows.

"I've got the chicken dip, you ready?" Niall asks. Emily soon joins us at the bottom of the stairs and we rush out of the house and into the car. Once we're al buckled Niall speeds out of the garage and down the road to Louis new house. We arrive rather quickly due to Niall's speed and rush into the house to avoid being late.

"Oi!" Louis drags out. "Welcome to the party!" I smile and give him a hug as he rubs my eight month old baby bump.

"Growin' big and strong I see. Niall, Emily, my loves how are you?" He shouts hugging them both. I giggle at his excitement and take the dishes into the kitchen and set them up along with all the other food.

Harry comes up to me and kisses my cheek.

"How are you, darling?"

"I'm doing okay. Haven't thrown up in about two weeks so I've been doing better than usual." He smiles before we walk back out through the living room and out to the chilly back yard.

"Louis! You didn't tell me you have a hot tub!" I shout walking over and examining it.

"Yep! I think it's my favorite part."

"Okay everybody! Seems like everyone has arrived, so let's get this party on! Kitchen is open!" He shouts excitedly. We all heard into the kitchen and grab plates filling them up with hot dogs or burgers, dips, chips, and desserts. I joins the usual gang in the living room and sit on the couch next to Emily.

"Did you get a hot dog?" I ask her as she takes a big bite of one.

"Mhm," she hums through a full mouth. "Uncle Louis and uncle Liam make the BEST hotdogs," she says after swallowing. We finish our food and join everyone in the basement for games.

After three rounds of truth or dare, seven rounds of twister, and one round of beer pong, I pull on Niall's sleeve.

"I'm getting a bit tired and it's getting close to Em's bed time. Are you ready to go soon?" I ask him and he nods with a yawn.

"Was just about to ask you." I walk over to Emily sitting on Liam's lap showing him her new nail polish.

"Hey, Emmy. You ready to go?" I ask her. She nods turning her head to me before hugging Liam.

"Bye, uncle Liam. I love you."

"Love you too, sweetheart," he says hugging her back.

She makes her way around the room saying goodbye to Louis and Harry and to all her new 'friends' she's made. She grabs my hand and we follow Niall up the stairs. We grab our pot of buffalo chicken dip and pile back into the cold car. We make the short drive home and enter the house. Ava, who was babysitting Addison, sits on the couch with Addy in her lap watching the Aristocats.

"We're back!" I shout walking into the foyer. Addy giggles and reaches for me as Ava hands her over and grabs her bag.

"She was an angel, as always," she says giving Emily a hug.

"Thank you so much." I hand her a wad a cash and she shakes her head.

"You paid me last time for watching her."

"And I'm paying you this time, just take it. Buy Zach some more dinosaur chicken nuggets since Emily ate the last of them."

She smiles and thanks me before taking the money. She shoves it into her back pocket and gives me a hug before grabbing her keys and walking out the front door. Niall locks the door and we all head upstairs to get ready for bed. After I get Addy down and Niall gets Em down, we begin changing into our own pajamas.

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