Note Blocks and Bedrock

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The evil queens decided to do a project in the wee hours of the morning.

"Can I even place blocks near the cell?" Sneaky Salem asked in a whisper.

"You should if I set the command right." Naughty Netty replied.

Salem set down a piece of redstone. It stayed right on the block. The two then set down five blocks of wood, placed note blocks on each, set each to a different tone, and hooked up the system to a leaver.

The tone setting had woken up the cell's occupant.

"He's awake," Naughty Netty said, "lets go have a friendly little chat."


Grian had stayed up late that night thinking of ways he could get out. He first tried to call his captors' bluff by punching the door when they were gone. He'd realized they had planned ahead when the door did not disappear. He would have tried /teleport or /kill if The Watchers hadn't taken those powers away after he started that small revolution which worsened the relationship between The Mafia and The Property Police. His fighting skills were not the best, so a two on one fight was most likely out of the question. Giran had even considered somehow making them kill him somehow because his spawn was set back at the empire, but they still had the lead, and he lived far away, so there's not much saying they can't recapture him, and he had a hunch that they duplicated the lead, so even if he had managed to trick them into killing him, they'd probably split up and one of them would snair him.

Grian eventually decided to get some rest so he'd be able to think clearer in the morning.

The sound of note block tuning woke him up.

Sneaky Salem and Naughty Netty stood at the cell door and knocked.

"Rise and Shine." Salem said.

Grian hopped outta bed and dragged is exhausted body to the door, grumbling all the way. "What do you want?" he growled.

"Open the creative inventory and give us some blocks." Netty said.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because that's why we brought you hear. No give us the blocks."


Grian opened the creative inventory and threw out two stacks of rotten flesh.

"Okay smart one. Give us bedrock." Salem said.


Grian decided to throw them two stacks of stone.

"Hey wise guy, I said bedrock not stoone."

"Well you obviously can't just beat someone, drag them to a secret underground cell and expect them to want to help you." said Grian.

"You obviously wouldn't have helped us if we didn't." said Salem.

"Well, I was considering helping you guys, but now I definitely won't."

"Enough!" Naughty Netty shouted before turning her attention to Grian. "Now listen up. I am not the nice, kind Netty who would put up with your nonsense. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Understand?"

"No, I'm not helping you." he said.

"Fine, Salem, pull the leaver."

Sneaky Salem skipp ran to the leaver and activated it, causing the mechanism to kick into gear, making the most repetitive, annoying drumming noise ever.

Naughty Netty and Sneaky Salem left the stubborn prisoner to his punishment, only barely hearing his pleas over the drumming.


System Zee was starting to get worried when he did not see Grian anywhere near the rails as he rode closer to The Empire. Zee hoped he would see his new neighbor along the railway, puttering around and making it look better, but no such luck. After arriving, Zee saw that there was barely any progress made on base maintenance. This seemed strange. Grian had went away for over a week, hasn't came home at all, and the place looks like it was barely touched. Zee searched, the nearby area, hoping Grian would be near by collecting more snow for his base, but no such luck. System Zee finally decided to check in The Nether, and if he did not find Grian in there, he'd go ask Mini to help find Grian.


Three days. That's all it took before Grian cracked. When Naughty Netty and Sneaky Salem came back to check on Grain after leaving him for a bit, he was more than willing to fill their inventories with bedrock as long as they turned the damned drumming machine off.

Now with a full load, the dastardly duo headed to the now currently empty Property Police station.

"Now why are we pranking them first?" Sneaky Salem asked.

"You know how my good half is engaged to that Martin guy? Well they've been acting extra cute and couple-ish for a month now, and it's making me sick. Let's fill the entire base with bedrock."

"Sounds reasonable." Sneaky Salem said.

They entered the station, Netty taking the left side while Salem handled the right. They worked their ways from the furthest corner to the door, so they would not get traped. Netty even filled Timmy's donation room and the farm. After filling the branches, the duo worked together to fill the cells and the main room. Once they had worked their way outside, Naughty Netty and Sneaky Salem booked it and didn't even bother signing the prank.

"Oh my goodness that was great." Netty said.

"I know right. They'll never get in again."

The two laughed and high fived, then noticed they had left over bedrock.

"What are we going to do with all this?" Netty asked.

"Block some doors?"

"Sure, why not?"

Author's note: I don't know if there's a spam rule, but I'm not risking this account.  I'll only post three old chapters a day or within 12 hours, I'm not sure.  This may also affect current projects.  I'm not sure though.

Capturing Grian and Creeper Attack since I messed up and lost the old accountWhere stories live. Discover now