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Author's note: This is the start of Creeper Attack.  Looking back on that title, it sounds like a cheesy 80's Syfy movie.

 It was not supposed to happen.

During a thunderstorm, a pig, a creeper, and a villager were wandering around aimlessly when the improbable happened. A bright flash of lightning hit the ground close to all three mobs, making them transform. The creeper gained a blue aura of death. The villager became a repulsive witch with a large wart on the already large nose. The pig became a bipedal half rotted monster who spontaneously gained a sword and knowledge on how to attack with it. This was already a rare and improbable occurrence, but fate was not done yet. The three mobs stood on the same block before another lightning strike hit all three again. This time, there was only one new entity. The creeper, now with a green aura, walked away from the blast site.

The creeper surveyed its surroundings, being taken aback by what it saw. It was the creeper's first time seeing colors other than green, and it was both terrified and amazed. It came across a skeleton who was in a fight with a zombie. During the fight, the skeleton accidentally shot the creeper. The creeper retaliated, but instead of blowing up, it did something that would surprise anyone. It clawed the skeleton with its feet, killing the weakened skeleton. The zombie, who was too stupid to care, wandered off leaving the creeper amazed by its newfound ability. It was so amazing it shot out a strange bottle with light blue liquid, which shattered on the ground. The creeper, now with two amazing abilities, went off to find other creepers to share its discoveries with.

It found a small group of three creepers after some wandering. Then it saw the weird, blue and black human-shaped thing fall from the sky. The other creepers approached the strange creature, ready to kill, when another, mostly blue creature knocked them back a few blocks before dispatching them. It then turned to communicate with the blue and black thing, handed it some form of weapon, before both creatures left.

The creeper was both horrified and angered by what it just saw. It through another bottle in anger. This time, the bottle hit another nearby creeper, who had emerged to see where its friends went. Once contact was made, the bottle broke instantly, and the liquid inside took effect, giving the creeper a blue aura of death. The green auraed creeper had an idea.


Timmy and his mysterious guest walked to the docks where the other Evolutionists were having a small welcoming party for Pearl.

"Hey," Timmy yelled to them, "look who I found."

The all turned to look at him. Grian immediately ran at the person following Timmy, and the person ran at him.



The two tackle hugged each other, surprisingly, or unsurprisingly because they both have the strength of newborn kittens, not knocking each other over.

"You will not believe where I was! The portal dropped me in another world, and I had to stay with this guy in a suit who made really awesome Redstone contraptions!! It was scary and awesome at the same time." Taurits said.

"I'm sure it was an exciting adventure, Taurtis," Grian said, turning to look at Martyn and Timmy, who both flinched, "I'm sure you'll tell me all about it tonight in the Mayor's office."

Taurtis turned to look at what Grian was looking at when he noticed Pearl.

"Did you replace me Grian?" he asked.

"What, no."

"He is not replacing you dude," Pearl said as she approached, "I joined because I wanted to. No hard feelings."

"None at all," Taurtis said with a smile before he and Pearl fist-bumped.

They seemed to be hitting it off when Big B shouted.

"Guys there's a creeper behind you."

They turned to see a creeper with a blue aura approaching the group. The party moved to the far end of one of the docks, but the creeper still advanced towards them.

"It's gonna wreck my dock," Zee shouted.

"And it's gonna knock our health down," Mini added.

"Not if we can get it in the water," Pearl said before she, and Taurtis, charged at it.

The duo each shot an arrow at the creeper to provoke it before leading past the pool and into the sea. In a surprisingly clever move, Taurtis was able to sneak behind the creeper and whack it to Pearl, who whacked it back to him, killing the creeper.

"See we killed a creeper together. This friendship is going to be awesome." Taurtis said.

"I guess you're right," Pearl replied with a chuckle.

They then both went back to the party.


Grian was going to bed when he saw the chest in his house. He opened it, and inside was a book. The book said 'Grian, something is amiss. There is a new mob which shouldn't even exist in the world. I will investigate further. Sonam'

Grian put the book back, and went to bed, knowing there wasn't much he could do with this vague information, but deciding to at least give the others a heads up in the morning.

Author's note: Sorry for publishing this again(technically for the third time), but I didn't run a spellcheck and just republished.  That annoys me.

Capturing Grian and Creeper Attack since I messed up and lost the old accountWhere stories live. Discover now