Dangerously Unarmed

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Mini had managed to cut through the creepers on his way to Big B's house when he saw Tom and Big B standing out in the front yard. Neither of them looked like they had a fun time before Mini showed up. They were both covered in soot, with smoke coming off their heads, small embers singing Big B's stubble. They were both surrounded by crates that ate the land like a strong acid eats metal.

"Well, it looks like something went on hear. You two alright?" Mini asked.

"I'm fine considering I'm still alive and the creepers didn't touch my house." Big B replied. "Five charged creepers attacked us."

"I counted about six or seven," Tom said.

"I killed about 10 on my way over hear. How are there so many of them? Aren't they supposed to be rare?" Mini asked.

"I thought so too," Tom said.

"Mini behind you!" Big B yelled.

Mini turned and swung his sword at a charged creeper, knocking it down into a crater and making it take fall damage. Tom went up to the rim of the crater and shot the creeper.

"Okay so the official charged creeper count is about 18," Tom said.

They then turned to see Martyn and company.

"Hey, get over here. We got something to tell you!" Mini yelled.

"We're coming," Martyn shouted back, "besides, we also have something to tell you."

When they got to Mini, Tom and Big B, Timmy asked: "What happened to you?"

"Tom and I got attacked by five or seven charged creepers and Mini killed about 10 on his way here." Big B answered.

"Are you alright?" Netty asked.

"Yeah, we're fine." Big B replied.

"We saw four charged creepers at our base, and Netty killed one before we went over to check on her," Martyn said, "We're checking in on everyone to see what's up. Have any of you talked to Grian, Taurtis, Zee or Pearl since last night?"

Everyone said no.

"Okay, that's what we're doing now." Martyn said.


Grian was walking up to Pearl's little palace to wake them up and tell them about the note. He had to admit that he was a little disappointed that his best friend had declined his offer to stay with him, but Grian remembered Taurtis was a friendly person, so it was only natural that he'd want to sleep over with the new member. Besides, it's not like Grian didn't have other friends, like System Zee, who was rising out of the ground right in front of him.

"What's up doc?" Grian asked with a sly smile.

"Nothing much," Zee replied with a slight chuckle, "just saw some charged creepers in my base. Can I borrow a bow and some arrows to get rid of them?"

"Sure, they're probably in one of the front chests. Let me go grab them and I'll help you get rid of them."

Zee thanked Grian before they both went to the chests. They both stopped in their tracks when they saw two charged creepers right in front of the chests. Another one walked around from Grian's mob spawner building and promptly alerted its friends of the nearby threats. Grian and Zee ran away.


Taurtis woke up with three of Pearl's orange cats in his face. He looked over to his temporary roommate to see she was already up and busy feeding her cats. He thought about how mean his previous decision to accept Peral's sleepover invitation over Grian's was, even though he slept over with Grian a lot more and just wanted to be nice to the new girl. Tarutis was jolted out of his little guilt trip by two loud screams.

"Grab a bow," Pearl said.

Tarutis grabbed one of the bows in the chest between their beds and a stack of arrows and went over to the open window area where Pearl was without stepping on any of the cats. They both looked out and saw Grian and Zee being chased by five charged creepers. Pearl and Tarutis opened fire on the creepers as Zee and Grian ran up the spiral staircase to Pearl's base. During the initial arrow spam, they managed to kill two creepers.

"Quick, to the other side!" Tarutis yelled.

They both ran to the other side of Pearl's inside stairs to the entrance to her base. Once they let their fleaing friends pass, they opened fire on the creepers. The creepers were killed with some help from the other Evo members coming up the stairs.

Mini frantically ran in. "What's going on? I heard screaming. Is everyone alright?" he asked.

"We're fine," Zee said, getting closer to calm his frantic friend, "a few charged creepers just chased me and Grian, and a few more jumped out at us after we rounded the corner. We lived."

Mini calmed down after this.

"Yep, more charged creepers. Just what we needed." Martyn said.

"Oh, also," Grian started, "Sonam said there was some strange, unidentified creature in the world."

"With all due respect to Sonam, we have much more important issues than his little-unidentified creature, like all these charged creepers popping up all over the server," Martyn said.

"Um, guys, speaking of charged creepers..." Tarutis said while pointing off to the side of the group.

They all turned to see what he was pointing out. There was a line of about 50 charged creepers standing still, staring at them.

Author's note: I will probably finish reposting this tonight-ish.  Going through all of this kinda brings me back to when I started writing on this site.  Those were exciting but slightly scary times.

Capturing Grian and Creeper Attack since I messed up and lost the old accountWhere stories live. Discover now