Wate, where's Grian?

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The next day, Normal Netty and Salem were cleaning The ComuNetty library.

"Hey, I found this book about an SCP mod on one of the common shelves. Doesn't it belong in the restricted section?" Salem asked while holding a black book with a silver emblem.

Netty stopped arranging a bookshelf to answer. "Yes, mod books always go in the restricted section. Martin and Timmy must have moved it during their little rearranging prank. Can you be a dear and put it back for me?''


Salem walked to the back of the library, went in the fountain, swam down the secret stream, and entered the restricted section. She walked to the back left corner, where Netty put all the books about mods dealing with Eldridge horrors and placed the book back in the empty space it should have occupied. Then Salem had a nice idea. She would check the shelves and see if any more books were missing. Everything seemed like it was in its proper place, as far as Salem could tell, until she got to the shelf that housed a big red book about the basics of command block use and some simple commands and noticed a cinder block sized gap. Salem quickly left the restricted section.

"Netty, the huge book about command blocks is missing," she said.

"Search the shelves. Timmy and Martin probably put it on one of the normal ones." Netty replied.


They searched until nightfall, when someone entered the library.

"Hey, anyone in here?" the guest asked.

"Just Netty and I Tom," Salem said to her friend. "Come in."

"I'm kind of already in but okay," said Tom.

"Oh, Tom," Netty said as she rounded the corner, "What brings you hear?"

"The Property Police called a meeting about the bedrock situation..." Tom started.

"Wate what bedrock situation?" Salem asked.

"Someone put filled the Property Police station with bedrock, placed it in front of a few doors, and even put a few rings of it around my house." Tom continued.

"Why didn't we get any?" Netty asked remembering the lack of bedrock in front of either her or Salem's doors.

"They probably ran out of it," Tom said "Anyway, there is a meeting in spawn to discuss what's going on. You guys should definitely come."

Netty and Salem decided to go with Tom, pushing the book issue to the back burner because it did not seem as important.


The Property Police and Big B Stats stood at spawn, Timmy fuming at the perpetrator's decision to also fill the courthouse, Martin annoyed at everyone's lateness, and Big B just standing there awkwardly, waiting for his PI buddy to show up. Big B felt the awkward leave as soon as Tom showed up with the girls.

"Okay, now that most of the server is hear, we can get started," said Martin.

"Can't we wait for the others?" Netty asked her future husband.

"No.," said Martin, before starting because he as sick and tired of waiting for everyone, "Now everyone knows about the bedrock incident, right? We know whoever did it was able to pull it off in one night, which would probably take at least two people, and had to have access to bedrock. I think it was The Mafia who did it and they had Grian supply the bedrock."

"Wate, why would Grian give The Mafia bedrock?'' Big B asked.

"Mate have you not seen how he behaves? He'll do anything to cause trouble. He even acts like a replacement Mafia member whenever Mini is not around." said Timmy.

"Your theory's full of hot air."

Everyone turned to see Mini Muka and System Zee approach.

"We weren't the ones who done it because we were looking for Grian." said Mini.

"What do you mean looking for Grian?" Martin asked.

"Grain left to clean up his empire base a little over a week ago. I went to go check up on him and see if he needed some help, but he wasn't there. After I couldn't find him, I went to go get Mini." said Zee.

"We searched for three days. We searched the land around his base. We even left a sign telling him to meet us at his Grain Station in case we miss him while we're out searching. All we could find was what we think was in his inventory at one point." said Mini.

"Just great," Martin sighed, "On top of all our problems, we now have to deal with another missing person."

Capturing Grian and Creeper Attack since I messed up and lost the old accountWhere stories live. Discover now