A Sight No One Wants to See

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Zee woke up and groggily walked to the edge of his little platform, ready to jump off and start a new day, instead of just taking the ladder like a sane person. He stopped when he saw three charged creepers in his eco tank. Zee looked across to the entrance platform. saw that he left the front door open, and figured they got in through there. This would not have been a problem if Zee hadn't left his bow and arrows in a chest not on his sleeping platform. After some thought, System Zee decided he was not going down there and risking any damage to his eco tank, so he got out his pick and shovel and dug his way out while covering himself back up again.


Martyn and Timmy were just about to walk out the door to do "official police business" and totally not try to kiss up to Taurtis so they won't get punished for stealing his job when the charged creeper walked up on their porch.

"Martyn out the back door!" Timmy yelled.

He did not have to tell him twice, because Martyn had already started running. They had both ran down the right-hand set of stairs, through their farm, took a right to the back door at top speed, only stopping once they closed the doors behind them.

"Okay, that happened. Now what?" Martyn asked.

"I have a bow and two arrows," Timmy said while walking over the outside chest to take out a stack of sand, "I think I can take it out from the roof."

"You sure you don't need a hand with that?" Martyn asked.

"Don't worry mate. I got this." Timmy said while pillering up to the roof.

"Okay, don't fall down and land in front of the creeper."

Timmy decided to ignore that remark and jumped on the roof. He went over to the front to get a good shot at the creeper. When it was not anywhere in sight, Timmy almost had a panic attack, until it walked right out of the station and onto the porch. With his bow in hand, Timmy took aim and shoot the creeper square in its head, knocking it back a bit. He readied his second arrow and fired. The creeper moved a little to the left and was not hit.

"Martyn," he shouted while walking over to the other side, "can you run out and get some more arrows? I missed my last shot."

"How do you miss your last shot? You're literally above it firing down!"

Timmy was about to answer with his trademark "Stop it!" when he saw three charged creepers sneaking up on Martyn.


It was too late. The first creeper exploded, leaving a gigantic hole. Martyn ran for the door before the others could go off. He made it inside, then quickly ran up the stairs, through the main room, down the other set of stairs and took a left to the storage room. Martyn checked the tool chest for a bow. It was literally the first thing in the chest. He took it and began searching for some arrows. He was not as lucky on that front. The only things Martyn could scrape up were 17 sticks, 14 feathers, and 20 flint. 'Guess I'm just going to have to make due with this.' Martyn thought. He quickly grabbed a crafting table and a stack of stone before running to the main room. Once there, Martyn quickly stacked stone and broke through the ceiling before the original creeper noticed.

"You alright dude?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah," he said before putting down the crafting table and making some arrows. Once done, he through half to Timmy. "If you miss with all these arrows I'm throwing you off the roof to the creepers." Martyn joked before the two of them sniped all the creepers, Timmy not even missing once.

They were about to get off the roof calmly when they heard a scream in the distance.

"That sounded like it was coming from Netty's place," Timmy said.

"Let's roll." Martyn replied before jumping off the roof and running toward his fiance's house.


"Don't be silly Salem. There are plenty of chickens in the farm. I'm sure Timmy hasn't killed them a....." Netty's sentence was completely cut off by a scream. She had looked down to see a charged creeper climbing up the ladder. Netty immediately noped it back up to her door, went in, and closed the door in record time. The creeper stood on the ladder, almost as if it was waiting for someone to open the door.

"You okay?" Salem asked. That scream had frightened her a little.

"Yeah, just had a little scare," Netty replied. "But how are we going to get the creeper away from my door?"

"I was going to say go out the side door and kill it that way, but that would probably be too close."


Then Netty had an idea, grabbing a bow and some arrows, she quickly made a little hole in the far side of her wall and crept out. Creeping around the perimeter with bow in hand, Netty stopped when she was in line with the creeper. She took aim and fired two shots in quick succession right into the creeper's head, killing it. She then lowered her bow when Martyn's head popped up almost immediately after the creeper died.

"Are you alright? I heard a scream?" Martyn asked.

"Yeah, the creeper just gave me a little surprise."

"Can we come in?" Timmy asked.

"Oh, of course. Salem get the door for them please?" Netty asked.

Salem opened the door for them and they came in just as Netty was trying to get in from the side door.

"Okay, I heard a scream and thought something bad happened. It was just a charged creeper?" Martyn asked.

"Yes dear, just a charged creeper."

"Strange, we had four at the station. We should probably check in on the others. Timmy hand then some arrows."

Timmy through them about a bundle of arrows.

"I can't believe how lucky I was when I found all those chickens in that pen yesterday. Who knew they'd actually help me in some way," he said.

"Wait a minute..." Salem said "chickens in a pen... Did you kill my chickens!!"

Salem started slapping Timmy. Those chickens were a pain to get, and he just goes and kills them. Not wanting to be a part of this, Martyn backs away and leaves his friend to suffer the consequences.

"Wait, Salem dear, this time killing the chickens helped us," Netty said while pulling her friend away. "Forgive him this one time."

Salem backed off, and they all went to check on the others.


'This is the worst enchanting session ever.' Mini thought to himself. Mini wanted sharpness so he could finally kill Grian for making a fool of him during his prank, not that he still had any hard feelings or anything. His new diamond sword had knockback. Mini had felt the sword was betraying him, giving his opponent the option to run away after the had hit them. A charged creeper had snuck up on the fuming pvp legend and was about to blow before he saw it and instinct took over, and Mini hit it with his sword and backed away a bit. The creeper was sent out of blast radius. It then charged at Mini, before being knocked back again and dying. Two more creepers had come out of the woodwork, only to meet the same fate as their friend. Then a few more came. Mini started knocking them back, thinking this is a great stress reliever. 

Capturing Grian and Creeper Attack since I messed up and lost the old accountWhere stories live. Discover now