Music heard

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You sat down next to Felix, who was sat on a barrel next to the fire

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You sat down next to Felix, who was sat on a barrel next to the fire. You pulled out your dagger and started cutting up bits of the mango and eating them off the blade. You and Felix had known each other for a long time but you'd never really talked much after yours and Pans argument.

"So," he started the conversation, "How are you?"

"Good," you nodded, "You?"

"Yeah, all fine," he answered throwing and catching a knife in his hands. "How's Ayra?" You glanced at him suspiciously, there was a softer look in his eyes you had never seen before.

"She's fine," You replied slowly, "She's in the Treehouse looking after the younger girls. Why?"

"No reason," he shrugged avoiding eye contact with you.

You chuckled slightly, "Someone got a little crush?"

"No." He answered blankly. But you could sense conflicted emotions in him.

"You can't lie to me, Felix. Don't worry, she likes you too."

"What makes you so sure?" he asked an eager glint appearing in his eye.

You turned to him and smirked slightly, "I'm magic. And I've known her long enough so I can just tell."

"What should I say to her?" he sighed abandoning his act of pretending not to like her.

"Tell her." You glanced back over at him and saw he was watching you intently, "She acts tough and cold-hearted but she's soft and kind on the inside. She, like most other girls, want to be loved and cherished and cared for. You just gotta tell her how you feel."

"Easier said than done," he chuckled, "How do you know she won't reject me? How do I know you're not lying?"

"Everyone deserves love Felix, even you. I'm not going to force you to tell her your feelings. Just don't wait for no reason."

He looked like he was going to say something else but Pan went over and woke Henry up and he stopped to watch. They were talking quietly but you could hear them clearly as if they were stood next to you.

"What happened?" Henry asked sitting up squinting slightly.

"Oh, you just fell asleep," Pan lied easily.

"I did?" Henry asked a disbelieving look on his face.

"Don't worry. It was just a little cat nap. The night's still young." You thought this particular line was slightly ironic because since Henry had been moved back to Pan's camp it had only been nighttime on Neverland. The night was always young.

You tapped your foot against the floor in time to the drums and boys whooping, cheering and chanting.

"Wait, I remember something," Henry said a confused look on his young face, "My dad... When I was asleep, I could have sworn I heard him calling for me."

"Really?" Pan asked in fake interest.

"It must have been a dream," Henry shook his head.

"How can you be sure?" Pan asked but you already knew the answer to that.

"Because my dad's dead." From Henry's point of view, this was true but you'd just seen Neal and knew he wasn't dead.

"I'm sorry, Henry," Pan said sadly, "It makes sense for us to dream about the things we lost, and the things we hope for. Like your father being alive. Or your mother coming to find you." Henry was looking at Pan with a half-interested, half suspicious look on his face. "But eventually, you'll find new things to dream about. And when you do, they'll start to come true." 

"How do you know?" Henry asked disbelief written all over his face. "Because that's what I did, and now you're here. Neverland used to be a place where new dreams were born. You can bring this magic back, Henry." Pan turned to look at you and Felix, "And we can be your family."

Henry looked past Pan and caught your eye, you smiled reassuringly to him and he smiled back looking happier. Pan stood up and Henry stood up with him. "I'd like to play a song for our guest of honour, Henry." Pan smiled at Henry who smiled back then brought his pipes up to his lips and started playing.

A look of interest and excitement came across Henry's face and you smiled knowing the plan had worked and he could hear the music now. He then started moving and started to dance with the other boys, you passed him a pair of sticks the same as the other boys had. He nodded and joined in dancing with them hitting them together.

"You can hear the music now, can't you, Henry?" Pan asked joining you and Felix by the fire.

"Yeah!" He replied energetically.

The three of you watched Henry dance around with the others, you believed now he was finally starting to feel more comfortable around the group.


He'd been dancing for hours with the lost boys and didn't seem like he wanted to stop anytime soon.

"Y/N," Pan called you away from the fire and to a darker part of the camp. He handed you a scroll of paper, "I need you to get something for me." You unwrapped the scroll and saw a drawing of a golden bracelet.

"What does it do?" You asked looking at the picture closely.

"They do, darling, there're two of them. We need both of them or our plan won't work," he explained, "As for what they do. I will explain another time."

"Where are they?" You asked trying to cover up your frustration that he didn't tell you what they were.

"In dear old Rumple's shop back in Storybrooke."

"Afraid that doesn't narrow it down. He kept all sorts of junk, it could be anywhere," you said tucking the scroll into your belt. 

"Don't worry, he would have them displayed as if they were rare and priceless."

"Are you saying that because they are rare and priceless?" You crossed your arms.

"Yes," he smiled making you chuckle.

"How will I know I have the right bracelets?"

"They have a magical power that you should be able to sense," he explained.

"Oh joy," You muttered sarcastically, "What about getting in there? Didn't he leave his girlfriend in charge to run the place?"

"Probably," he answered unhelpfully, "She shouldn't be much of a problem though. Just remember that in Storybrooke everyone has their memories back so they will remember who you are and what you did."

"What we did," you corrected him smirking, "The killing I did when we first met was an accident, the rest was your fault." He laughed and nodded.

"Just be careful. There are things I have to sacrifice for this plan to work. You're not one of them and you're not going to be."

You placed your hands on his shoulders and rested your forehead against his. "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."

"Good," he nodded approvingly, "Leave tomorrow morning before Henry wakes up."

You nodded, he kissed your forehead gently and walked away. You looked at the drawing of the bracelet again wondering what he could possibly what with them. You had a feeling it wasn't ordinary jewellery.

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