I promise

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"What?" You asked your voice slightly higher than normal as what he said registered in your brain. 

"Why don't we just stay here?" He repeated, "Let's not go back to Storybrooke. They have no way of getting us, we can be safe here." He took hold of your hands and pressed his forehead against yours, "Together."

You looked away from the pleading look in his eyes and gazed at the horizon. You knew what he meant and what he wanted. He wanted the two of you to be safe in Neverland together, forever and with nothing about the real world to worry about. You really wanted that as well. 

"But what about Henry? What about his family?" You asked eyebrows furrowed.

"What about them?" He repeated harshly, "Why should they get Henry back if I can't have you?" His voice almost broke slightly but he held his composure. "We promised, Y/N" he reminded you sadly gazing into your eyes steadily. "We made a promise to each other."

A memory flashed across your head of when he first brought you to Neverland. You had promised each other that you would never leave the other. Even if you argued and despised the other with a passion you would always have the other persons back.

"I know," you nodded sadly tears welling up in your eyes. "But I don't know what other choices we have."

"We can live here," he said sounding hopeful, "We can go back to Storybrooke, go and get Ayra and Felix, come back here and start a new life. Bring back what we used to do before everything went tits up."

Even though the sun had mostly set and the sky was going dark Peter still seemed to be glowing with hope and excitement. You didn't want to crush and break him when you had to leave but at the same time, you had made a promise to Henry's family.

"Ok, hypothetically if I said yes and agreed to stay here. How are you going to get Felix and Ayra here? You said you only had two of the portal stones we used one to get here and we will use the other to get back. So how are we going to get them back here? We can only teleport in worlds, we can jump back and forth." You asked seriously.

"I only said I had two, I never said Felix didn't have any," he replied cockily a smirk on his handsome face.

You couldn't help but chuckle slightly, it was so like him to have a secret plan under the original plan. "I can't believe you." He simply shrugged and smiled a pleased look on his face.

"So, what do you say, Y/N?" He paused and you flicked your eyes up to meet him. "Will you come back and live with me in Neverland?"

Would you feel guilty for saying yes? Would you feel guilty for saying no?

You had so many good and some bad memories here on Neverland here with Peter. You had had to leave so suddenly and you felt like your time in Neverland wasn't up yet. Henry would be alight, he was in a sleeping spell until he got his heart back and his family would get over him. A tiny part of you was saying that this was a bad idea, that you needed to go back to Storybrooke and hand Henry's heart over like originally planned. But, at the same time, a bigger part of you was screaming to stay in Neverland with Peter. This place had been your home, Peter had been your home and you didn't feel ready to give it up yet.

"Screw it," you chuckled, "I'm not ready to die yet." The smile that lit up his face was bright enough to light up New York. 

"Really, Y/N?" He asked in disbelief.

"Really, Peter," you confirmed nodding your head, "I'm not ready to leave you."

"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for not leaving me yet." He pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.

"I'm not leaving you." You whispered resting your head on his shoulder.

"What's the plan then? How are we going to get back into Storybrooke and out again without being caught?" You asked as the two of you stood up excited at the thought of a mission and plan. 

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