Magic bracelets

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After you got changed you looked around the camp but couldn't see Pan anywhere so you sat on your platform and watched the boys climb a rope. Henry was sat to the side playing with a stick and the dirt on the ground.

You continued watching the other boys for a while until you sensed Henry feeling threatened and your head snapped over to him. Jamie was stood next to him holding his spear looking like he'd just stabbed Henry with it.

"So you're the kid Pan's been looking for all this time?" Jamie said poking Henry with the sharp point on his spear. 

"Ask him," Henry said slightly sassily. Jamie suddenly lunged at Henry swinging his spear at the same time.

 Henry jumped back shouting, "Stop it!"

The rest of the boys turned to watch and you flew down from your platform to watch closer. They all looked at you unsure of what you were going to say. They were used to having Pan as their main leader but now you were here as well they were slightly edgy. You nodded your head for them to continue and crossed your arms leaning against a tree to watch.

"If you can't take this, how're you gonna handle what Pan and Y/n have in store for you?" Jamie continued pleased you hadn't stopped him. Henry noticed a conveniently placed stick you had made appear by his feet, Jamie signalled him to pick it up and Henry did holding it like a sword.

Jamie lunged at him again but this time Henry was able to defend himself. They fought for a moment their sticks clashing. Henry was mostly on the defensive with Jamie attacking him as hard and fast as he could.

Jamie swung his stick down at Henry who blocked with both arms above his head, Jamie laughed. "Not bad," came the British voice of Pan who appeared leaning on a tree. You felt instantly safe when you saw him. You liked to fake being calm and collected when he was gone, but when he came back you truly relaxed.

Jamie backed away from Henry and rested his stick on his shoulders looking pleased with himself.

"But wouldn't it be more fun if you had real swords?" Pan walked slowly towards a nervous-looking Henry. 

"I've... never used a real sword," he stuttered worriedly.

"This is Neverland," Pan reminded him, "And you have the heart of the truest believer. You can use whatever you want." He took hold of Henry's hand and raised the stick, "You just need to believe Henry."

Jamie fidgetted nervously watching his leader help Henry, "Close your eyes and believe you're holding a real sword." Henry closed his eyes a moment later a sharp, silver sword appeared in his hands. There were noises of shock and surprise from the other lost boys, your eyes widened and you glanced at Pan who smirked back at you.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked in a playful voice, "Go on." Henry swung the sword at Jamie who was now on the defensive and backing away from Henry. Peter and the other boys were shouting words of encouragement to urge Henry on.

Henry slashed the sword hard against Jamies stick which broke instantly, Henry slashed it against the stick again it was now just a handle in Jamie's hand and would be useless to defend him now. With one final slash, Jamie tripped backwards onto the floor with a red cut on his face.
The boys cheered as Jamie groaned in pain holding his face, "I'm sorry. It was an accident," Henry blurted out quickly.

"Henry," Pan panted slightly, "Don't you know the best thing about being a lost boy?" Peter picked up the sword Henry dropped at some point, "We never apologize." The other boys cheered as Henry raised the sword in triumph.

You looked over at Jamie who didn't look happy as he held his bleeding cheek, you were tempted to check his wound to see how deep it was but you didn't think Peter would agree with it. You didn't have a chance to anyway because Peter came over to you, "Come with me, we need to talk."

You nodded and followed him into his tent, "Did you get them?" he asked immediately an eager look in his eye. 

"Yep," you replied pulling both of them out of your pocket and handing them to him. 

He took them and examined them closely, "You didn't run into any trouble?"

"Not really," you shook your head.

"Not really?" he questioned glancing at you for a moment, "What happened?"

"They were much easier to get than I thought they'd be but Ruby recognised me."

"Who?" he questioned.

"The werewolf," you raised an eyebrow, "Anyway, Belle recognised me and wasn't happy to see me. She wasn't keen on giving me those either, took a little persuading." He raised both his eyebrows, "Persuading, threatening. Same thing."

"What did you say to her?"

"Basically threatened to burn down the building," you shrugged. 

He burst out laughing, "That doesn't surprise me."

You smiled then changed the subject, "So, what's the deal with these?" He finally stopped examining them and passed you one.

 "They're connection bracelets," you looked at him confused so he elaborated, "They connect two people together."

"Yeah, I know that part, but why do you need them?"

"You could call it insurance."

"Against what?" you asked feeling slightly worried.

"It's in case Rumple does the opposite of what we want him to do," he explained.

"Oh," you sighed.

"How do they work?" He took yours out of your hand and slipped it onto your left wrist.

"They are enchanted so the wearers are able to stay in contact no matter where they are, you are going to wear one and me the other. They can only be taken off by the person who put it on, which in this case is you."

He passed you his and you slipped it onto his left wrist. The minute it was on you felt like an invisible rope was pulling you towards him. If he were to go to the other side of the island you would know exactly where he was, you could sense the bracelet would lead you.

"Now, we will always find each other," he smiled taking your hand and gently kissing the back of it. "I've just enchanted it so no one else will be able to see them. Make sure none of the rescue group finds out we have them."

You nodded, he leaned down and kissed you. At first, it was sweet and gentle then he turned his head to the side and deepened the kiss pulling you closer to him. His tongue slid into your mouth making you melt easily, he smirked against your mouth knowing he was the boss. His hands slid up your shirt slightly making excitement erupt through you. The kiss became more heated as your hands pulled his shirt over his head making his defined abs now visible.

Your fingertips traced them making the hairs on his arms stand on end. He pushed you back onto his bed and climbed on top of you, attacking your lips with his own. He gripped the bottom of your shirt pulling it over your head and throwing it behind him. He started kissing, sucking and biting down your neck and chest. You closed your eyes and dug your nails into his back he chuckled but didn't stop attacking your chest and neck.

Your breath caught in your throat as one of his hands slowly started going down your stomach and down into your jeans. "Peter," you couldn't stop yourself moaning his name at the pleasure he was putting you in.

"You're mine," he whispered speeding up his fingers, you closed your eyes and arched your back... tonight was going to be a long one.

I love this story!!! Hope everyone is doing alright :) Thank you for reading,
Lotta love AFG

THANK YOU FOR 7K reads 😁 Love you all❤️

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