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The young girl skipped happily through the town behind her parents. It was market Sunday, the town was busy with people buying all sorts of interesting things. The merchants were yelling for people to buy their different items waving their hands to catch peoples attention.

The girl stopped in the middle of the road, her eyes fixed on a beautiful necklace in an open box. She reached out to touch it. "I wouldn't, Miss," a voice told her. She looked a boy, about 19, stood behind the counter looking at her warily. He had shaggy blonde hair and dark eyes.

"Why?" She asked curiously looking at him her head tilted slightly to the side watching the blonde boy.

"My father told me it's cursed," he whispered leaning closer to her.

"Really?" She asked her eyes filling with mischief and curiosity. He nodded quickly.

"But it can't curse someone by touching it, can it? That's impossible," She asked after a slight pause. He shrugged.

She walked up to it, in this situation most children would shy away from doing something this dangerous but she was different. Cautiously poked one of the glittering jewels...nothing happened. She breathed a sigh of relief she would have regretted it if the necklace had exploded.

The boy was about to say something when a man appeared. "Felix what are you doing?!" He sounded angry for some reason.

"Nothing," Felix muttered scared, even though he was a head taller than his dad he still cowered slightly.

"Y/N!" The girl's mother had grabbed hold of her daughter's wrist and began dragging her away.

, Felix," she called over her shoulder to the blonde boy getting shouted at by his father.

, Y/N," Felix smiled back at the young girl. She reminded him of his younger sister, curious, brave and interested.

"Where are we going, mother?" The girl asked being dragged by her mother.

"To the palace," the mother replied simply not looking at her daughter.

"Why?" She asked confused. Although she could not see her mother and father looked at each other nervously.

"Wow," she breathed wide-eyed as they stepped into the magnificent palace. Maids and other servants were walking around doing daily jobs.

"Come on," her father muttered to the dawdling girl.

They walked until they reached the entrance to a stone corridor hidden in the hall of the palace. There was an old woman stood in the shadows, there was something odd about her that scared the young girl. "Wait here," the girl's mother said her teeth clenched. Her parents walked away towards the old woman leaving the child to fiddle with her brown dress nervously.

They talked in fast whispers for a second, the old woman looking past the parents to the girl stood there. She nodded and took something out of her pockets and placed it gently into her father's palm.

The parents walked back to their daughter quickly stressed expressions on their faces.

"Honey, can you be brave for me?" Her mother asked, "Can you be strong?" The little girl nodded her eyebrows furrowed. Her mother kneeled down in front of her pushing some stray hair out of her daughter's face.

"Good, this is what's going to happen," her voice was soft and calm but she could detect something hidden in her eyes.

"This woman is going to look after you here, in the palace. She is a nurse to the royal family and can provide you with much we can't

, why Mama?" The girl asked her eyes watering.

"Because you have to," she replied her eyes watering too. Her father bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Be brave my girl, be brave." The
y began backing away sobs echoed down the hall from her mother.

"MAMA, PAPA" the girl shouted feeling scared. Why were her parents suddenly leaving her? "NO DON'T LEAVE ME. PLEASE!"

You sat up suddenly, your ears ringing with the shouts of the child. Cold sweat was trickling down your face and you were breathing fast. You wiped the sweat off your face, taking a deep breath you got out of bed and walked across the wooden floor to the platform outside your room. You walked across one of the rope bridges and into the kitchen area to get some water.

The sun hadn't risen yet and Neverland was still dark, stars twinkling overhead. You knew you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep again after your dream so you jogged quietly back to your room and changed into shorts and an oversized white shirt, like the type the pirates wore.

Then you silently flew off the platform on your balcony and you headed towards the huge mountain that dominated Neverland's horizon. It faced east so it was the best place on the island to watch the sunrise.

You flew to a tree that was hanging dangerously from the cliff, one wrong foot would cause the whole tree would fall and it was a very long way down, but that didn't bother you very much.

You gently sat on a thick branch, your legs dangling over the edge. You breathed a deep breath of the fresh morning air and you felt your body relax. That wasn't the first time you'd had that dream. It had woken you up several times before because the child in the dream was you. You closed your eyes the gentle breeze nice against your face.

You didn't open your eyes until you felt the branch sink slightly next to you. You didn't need to say anything or open your eyes to know who it was, his familiar comforting smell was enough. And because no one could reach this point unless they could fly.

"What's got you here so early?" He said casually sitting carefully down next to you making the trees shake slightly.

"Wanted to watch the sunrise, you?" You replied not looking at him.

"Same thing. But you can't watch the sunrise if your eyes are closed. What happened?" Pan knew you had lied instantly. You looked at him blankly and he seemed to understand immediately.

"The same one?" He asked, there was no hint of his evil smirk or the mischievous glint in his eye, he was genuinely concerned about you. You nodded, with a sigh he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him. You could hear the strong rhythmic beating of his heart. It was a very relaxing sound.

A pinky-orange glow had started to become visible over the horizon. The day was approaching fast and the stars had started melting away with the night.

Neither of you said anything, you watched the beautiful sunrise over Neverland.

"Did the plan go well?" He asked when the sun was finally visible blinding the both of you.

"Yes," you replied, "They thought I was just there to mess about. You were right even Emma couldn't tell I was lying." He smirked when you said he was right. "Don't get arrogant Pan, there are lots of things that could go wrong," you warned him raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I know, fun isn't it," He said casually. You had to laugh slightly, the way he was so calm, collected and in complete control.

"When will the next part start?"

"Soon. Don't worry I'll let you know when it's time," he replied, you stood up and stretched the tree shaking again.

"I'll see you round Pan," you smirked leaning towards him teasingly. He leaned forward too your foreheads touching. Just before you were about to kiss, you fell backwards off the tree.

He chuckled watching you free falling below him. "I'll get you one day, Y/N," he promised himself watching you fly through the clouds until you vanished.

Heya guys I know it's been ages since I updated and sadly updates will be slow for a while as I'm doing my GCSEs in May so I'm pretty busy with revising. I'll update when I can. Hope you enjoyed this chapter you know what to do if you did.❤️

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