I don't like her

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You'd decided not to tell Pan about the terrible pain you had felt when he came back from talking to Rumple. It had faded faster than you thought and with the dangerous plan he had you didn't want to worry him. However, he had noticed you looked paler and you had lied saying you were probably just getting a cold, he had raised an eyebrow at you then passed your excuse off.

Over the next few days, you had been thinking about the pain you felt and were coming up with reasons as to why it could be hurting. Your best one was that it was period cramps but that would be impossible as you stopped getting your period when you became immortal.

You were sat in the empty camp with Pan and Felix trying to come up with more ideas when Pan stopped sharpening the spear he was holding and sighed slightly. "What is it?" Felix's head snapped up at his leader's movement and you looked curiously at him.

"Someone's leaving Neverland," Pan replied putting down his spear.

"Where?" Felix asked a slight hint of urgency in his voice, "How shall we stop them?"

"Well, it's too late," Pan replied sighing a little, but he didn't look very worried about it. Felix furrowed his eyebrows, then he glanced at you clearly confused. "Don't worry, Felix," Pan smirked slightly, "We simply need to get word to our friends on the ground."

"Storybrooke?" Felix said sounding full of doubt.

"They can handle this," Pan reassured him. You scoffed disbelievingly, you agreed with Felix and highly doubted the abilities of John and Michael Darling.

"Maybe the attractive one can," you smirked mischievously knowing it would wind up Pan. He turned and gave you an annoyed look which made you laugh, he hated when you talked about Mr John Darling being attractive.

"All it does is just move up our timetable a touch," he continued now with a colder note in his voice and a darker look in his eyes. "You need to get Henry ready," he instructed Felix. Then both of them stood up to start their new tasks. You, on the other hand, were too lazy to move so you stayed sat down.

"And I need to have a chat with our friend in the other cage," the three of you turned to look at the swaying cage that was hung in the air. You scoffed as Felix walked away and Pan turned to look at you still sat on your log.

"Come on, Y/N. We need her for the plan," he said gently and you could tell he was enjoying your moment of jealousy and anger. 

"I don't like her," you stated sassily looking up at him blankly.

"She probably doesn't like you much either," he sighed kneeling down in front of you.

"Good, I hope she's scared of me," you growled sourly remembering why you hated young Wendy so much.

"Now now, darling," he said gently caressing your jaw with the back of his finger, "We both know nothing like that is going to happen again."

"It bet-" you were cut off by the stabbing pain attacking you again making you wince and hold your stomach tightly.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked urgently holding your shoulders to steady you.

"It hurts," you said best you could as tears started leaking down your face.

"What hurts?" he asked gazing into your eyes a genuinely worried expression on his face.

You took deep breaths in through your nose and out through the mouth which caused the pain to lessen slightly. "It's the same pain I was in when I first got my magic, it's burning my insides like fire. Please help me, Peter. Why is it hurting?" You broke down into sobs and hugged him tightly as he rubbed your back calmingly.

"It's going to be ok, it's alright. Is this why you've been paler?" he asked in your ear. The pain was now bearable and you released him wiping your eyes.

"Yeah," You nodded, "But why is it happening?" you asked holding your stomach tightly.

"To tell you the truth," he sighed, "I have no idea."

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