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You were stood on Hook's ship while it sailed away from Neverland. You gaze back at the island you'd called home for so long. The forest, the beach, Skull Rock, the Echo Caves it had all become your beloved home.

Sighing you turned away not wanting to have to look at it any more. Peter, Felix and Ayra were stood either side of you with the other Lost Boys staying close like lost puppies. Wendy and Tink were covered in blankets chatting together. Mary, David and Hook were stood by the wheel of the ship. You guessed Emma, Regina and Neal were with Henry. His unconscious body had been placed in a room below deck and they were constantly checking he was alright which made you roll your eyes multiple times.

"What's the plan when we get to Storybrooke?" Felix asked quietly keeping an eye on everyone, he still didn't trust them.

"Honestly," you sighed and glanced at Peter, "No idea."

"Do you think they believe us when we say we want peace?" Ayra asked just as quietly. 

"No," Peter answered shaking his head, "They won't believe us for a while. Not until we prove ourselves that is." He sounded dejected.

"We will figure it out," you told him taking hold of his bigger hand. A silence fell over the four of you.

What would you do when you got back?

Get a job, work like a normal person? That didn't sound like something you wanted to do even though you'd lived the life of an adult. You could worry about that later. Your first priority was to find a way to keep you alive without using Henry's heart. You still didn't know how that was going to happen.

Neal pulled you out of your thoughts when he and Regina walked across the deck holding Pandora's box which Rumple was still trapped inside. "This should be interesting," Pan chuckled as Regina waved her hand over it that caused it to open.

Rumple suddenly appeared on the floor, he looked confused, dazed and a bit dizzy. Then, like he had suddenly remembered what had happened, he spun around gazing at Neal and Regina, then at the ship, then the four older teens and Lost Boys.

He instantly shot a fireball at you which you stepped forward and caught then threw into an ocean. Neal jumped in the way to stop him doing it again. "Do you mind mate? The ship is made of wood you know." Hook pointed out annoyed which caused you to snigger quietly.

With furrowed eyebrows, he bent closer to Neal and whispered something. "It's a long story, sit down and we'll explain," Neal answered taking Rumple away to explain to him what had happened.

"Could have gone worse," Felix shrugged.

"Yeah," Peter nodded chuckling. 

"Remind me again why we couldn't have used a portal?" Nibs asked bending over the side of the ship and throwing up.

"Because they don't trust us, Nibs," Peter replied over the sounds of Nibs throwing up again.

"They think we would send them to the middle of nowhere to get rid of them," you explained as poor Nibs nodded and sat back down his face very pale.

"Y/N, what are we going to do when we get back?" Peter asked quietly, this question was for only you to hear. 

"First off we need to find a way to give Henry his heart back." You responded just as quietly.

"Then what, we become normal people?"
"Maybe. Who knows? Maybe we could go back to Neverland or the Enchanted Forest," you shrugged. You and Peter both shared a hatred for the 'normal world' you both liked adventure, danger and magic. The normal world wasn't for either of you.

"As long as we're together?" He whispered holding out his pink finger. "Yes," you nodded and looped yours around it.

"Look!" One of the younger Lost boys shouted pointing.

Not far into the distance, the silhouette of Storybrooke was coming closer and closer. Your heart pounded rapidly at the sight, people in Storybrooke were either angry at you or scared. You could imagine, without too much difficulty, that they wouldn't be pleased with your return.

"Guys," Emma greeted walking towards you, "The people here probably won't like you very much so don't be assholes." She said bluntly, "We're not going to tell them about what happened or with Henry. We'll keep it quiet."

"Thank you, Emma," you replied sincerely. That would make things a bit easier.

The shore loomed closer and when the ship finally hit the harbour with a small bump you prepared yourself for the worst. Feeling uncomfortable at the people watching you, you pulled your hood up like Ayra and Felix. Peter join in a moment later feeling safer with his face hidden.

"Hello, Storybrooke," You muttered leading the way off the ship. The rescue team were greeting all sorts of friends and family. Wendy ran over to her brothers and hugged both of them. They cast nervous glances to you and Peter pulling Wendy closer to them.

"I hate this place," Ayra complained her eyes dark. 

"Why?" You asked watching the Lost Boys run back to their families.

"It's too..."

"Good," Felix finished for her.

You glanced at Peter who just chuckled slightly. Felix and Ayra were basically the same person, no wonder they got along so well. But if they ever argued you thought it would be hell. You remembered a time when you and Pan used to argue. It would either end in war or heated make-out sessions.

"Y/N," Regina waved you over. You walked away from the others so they two of you could talk in private for a moment.

"We've talked to some people and have got you, Pan, Felix and Ayra a place to stay at the hotel nearby." You nodded about to say 'thank you' but she continued speaking. "We also discussed with Rumple and everyone will meet at his shop tomorrow morning at 11 to try and figure out how to save Henry." You nodded again looking into her eyes.

You knew she would prefer to save her than keep you alive, but you weren't going to show her any weakness.

"Thank you, Regina." She awkwardly nodded and turned away, walking back her group.

"What did she say?" Ayra asked when you rejoined your group. 

"They have a place for us to stay and we have to meet them tomorrow morning at 11 to discuss how they are going to get Henry back." You informed them.

"If they think they're getting Henry's heart back without keeping you alive they have another think coming," Peter growled slightly becoming protective.

You took hold of his hand and squeezed it slightly, "Don't worry, I'm sure we will figure something out."

You sounded confident but you were trying to persuade Peter just as much as yourself.

Heya Guys, it's been a while. How is everyone? I hope you're all well and that 2019 is treating you right so far.

I'm sorry it's been a while since I updated I've been busy.... sorta😂 Anyway I'll try to get you some more chapters within the next week or two. Thank you for reading, you know what to do if you enjoyed.

Lotta love

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