Lies I Tell Myself

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"Oh... That was Monica.. And uh. She's a good friend of mine. We've known each other since we were little. We grew up together in Michigan, and then I moved to Florida. Now we rarely get to see each other. She happened to be in Boston this week, and.. I invited her to come visit me. And she did. You just happened to see us when we were saying goodbye." Sam finished, and then went to sip his sweet tea.

"Oh okay. That makes a lot of since now." I said with a smile. I don't feel so awkward anymore, now that I know Sam isn't dating that girl. This was all a lie I was telling myself.

Our waiter then arrived at our table again, and politely asked us what we would like. Sam and I both ordered burgers with fries, except he ordered two burgers, I only ordered one.

"So.." Sam began. "Do you like Berklee so far?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean the students are really nice, it's just... The teachers are strict.. Especially when you are late." I stated with a straight face, as I watched Sam laugh.

"What? It's not funny! One of my teachers almost gave me an essay to right because I was late." I said, while starting to laugh.

"Oh Kelly. Only you would be late on your first day." Sam said continuing to laugh.

"Well I was late because of you." I said.

"Oh.. Sorry." Sam stopped laughing, and his face turned bright red.

"Apology accepted." I replied.

Our waiter soon returned with our tender and juicy hamburgers, with a side of crispy, yellow crinkle cut fries. It looked mouth wateringly delicious.

"I've got another question to ask you Sam; what is it like being famous and all, and dealing with all the 'fangirls'?" I asked, while squirting ketchup next to my fries.

"You kind of get used to it after a while, it was crazy when I was on American Idol though. I mean, I went from being a nobody, to someone who's name had thousands of girls going crazy across the nation. That was the hardest part." Sam replied quickly, so he could begin eating his hamburger.

This reminded me, Sam was not an ordinary person, this was the Sam Woolf. The boy who had thousands of girls going crazy all over. And I was hanging out with him.. As if he was just another ordinary person. I still can't wrap my mind around that.

"Do you have any dreams, like, what do you want to do with your life?" Sam asked, while beginning to eat his fries.

"Someday, I hope to perform and sing for a living. Just like you, I guess." I replied.

"Well, I will have to see, but I might be able to let you perform in one of my shows." Sam said with a smile.

"Oh.. I don't think I'm ready to do that." I said, while shocked at what Sam had just told me.

We continued to talk through dinner, and got to know each other better.

"Thanks for tonight, Kelly. It was fun." Sam said while we were driving back to my dorm.

"No problem! We will have to do it again." I replied with a huge smile.

We finally got to my dorm, and I got out if his car. As I was walking towards the door, Sam yelled "Kelly wait, one last thing."

I began to walk towards him, wandering what this "one last thing" was gonna be.


What is gonna happen? Get this story to 70 votes, and I'll post the next chapter. ☺️

But... 650 reads? THIS IS AMAZING. Thank you guys SO MUCH! 💕

Instagram: @sail_away_sam

Be raw, stay raw!

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