sunday, august 30th, 2018 6:38pm (your pov)

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started 10/17/18
finished 11/9/18

That's how life was for me. For almost a year.
He gave me needs, shelter, money. Even though I was internally dying, staying with him was the only thing keeping me externally alive...for now.

Everyday, there was a new bruise. A new scar. Something to represent what's been happening. It's why I never went out much. But I always hoped that if someone ever saw me, they would at least notice and try and help without me having to tell them. It's never worked.


The clock intimidates me. Any minute now Beom-Seok would be home.
Beom-Seok, how do I even begin to explain this man?
A very attractive man with bright blue eyes. Hair softer than a baby's bottom. I would love running my fingers through it. I fell in love with a man who loved me as much as I loved him. Who made my heart full with a notification from him. He made me unconditionally happy. It's all gone to shit now. He started drinking after a year. And when I say drinking, it was a lot. It started to take over him. The alcohol was in control now. It started to take over everything in his life.

Then one day, he got a call. Beom-Seok was informed that his parents had passed away in a car crash. Of course, he was drunk when he got the call.
He ended the phone call with "you have the wrong number. Don't ever call this number again".
No tears. No empathy.


"aein, is everything alright?" I asked as I placed one hand on his shoulder.

"my parents are dead" he says with a complete straight face, almost like a psychopathic face.

"oh my god, beom-seok I'm so sorry" I pull him into a hug.
I feel his hands push against me and throw me on the floor.

My back and bottom hit the hard oak wood floor.
I'm astonished and I look up at Beom-Seok. No emotion at all.
Just then, he lifts his phone and smashes it to the ground. I scattered to a corner of the room and feared for my life. I felt like he was going to kill me right there.

"B-Beom-Seok?" My cries make me stutter his name.

He looks back into my eyes.

"It's Sunday, make me Kimchi"

My eyes widened. I'm still crying in the corner. My legs to my face and hands around them.
I don't move. My arms shake.

He screams.

My heart beats out of my chest. With that, I'm up and in the kitchen making him kimchi. That's the day I realized, this wasn't the man I fell in love with anymore.

*present time*

As I am commanded, I had dinner ready upon his arrival. Every Sunday, I cook him homemade kimchi. It was his favourite, that's why he told me to make it every Sunday. Today was also an exciting day. For me at least, I was planning my escape. I know what your thinking. If he's at work, why don't I just leave? I've always been too scared because I've tried that and he's caught me. He told me many threats that have made fear that porch. Threats such as
"you try to leave this house while I'm not here, i will cut your head off with the lawn mower".

Beom-Seok's force was like I was being held captive.
And this isn't the first time I've planned an escape. I've tried several times, but he's always seem to catch me. The consequences were being beaten for a week.
When he'd finish beating me, I would be weak on the floor, blood spilling from every inch of my body. He would crouch down, look me in the eye, point at the door and say
"if you want to leave, there is the door"

He knew how to send chills down my spine, in a horrific way. Every day, a certain thought crossed my mind,
one of these days, this man is going to kill me.

For some reason, today I was having a better feeling then I usually do. My plan was to be the happy girlfriend of 3 years he's had when he gets home. Feed him kimchi and try seducing him. The seduction would lead to us going up to the bedroom. That's when I would tie him to the bed and run. I've got my bags packed already. Now I've got to be careful because he is a lot smarter then I think but I've got to try.

That's when I hear the door click open. The blood rushes through my body, causing my heart to beat out of my chest. The fear was clinging on to me. I could hear the door slam shut and his shoes coming off of his feet. Everything felt as if it was in slow motion. This wave of anxiety and panic came crashing on to me but right now, I needed the game face.

"Ah, nae sarang. I see you've made my favourite dish" His deep tone causes my veins to pop out more than they already do.

I take into thought that he called me nae sarang, meaning my love in Korean. I moved to Korea with him 2 years ago on our 1 year anniversary when he asked me to move here with him. I never thought he actually meant it but I was in love so I did it. For the 2 years I've been here, I've learned some Korean. I can understand basic terms and sentences and how to make food. All for him.

"Yeah, maybe after your finished we can do other things" I whisper seductively.
This is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

"What do you have in mind" he smirks. Disgusting.

"Maybe if you'll let me, I can show you a good time, only with your permission" I say with a pouty face. He looks at me shockingly. He's never thought a word like that would come out of my mouth.

"How about we forget about the kimchi and just get straight to it?"
Wow, this was going quicker then I expected. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad thing yet but I went along with it. I wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.

He gets up and I pull him by his tie all the way upstairs. His loud footsteps scare me each time.
God, please let this work.

I bring him into the bedroom, decorated specially for this purpose, for this escape.
Rose petals were spread out along the bed sheets and handcuffs laid on the edges of the headboard.

"I'm liking this" He looks at me exquisitely. He's ready. I guess that means I have to be too.

My hands push him onto the large sized bed. He lays back as I crawl towards him.
Before handcuffing him, I give him a very slight alluring kiss but quickly pull away, making him want more.

Surprisingly, he allowed me to handcuff him.
Wow, he really is a dumbass.

I handcuff him along the headboard and linger my finger on his thigh.

I get off the bed and go to the closet to retrieve a bag. In there was a lingerie that I bought. No I was not going to wear it before you go there. It's all part of the plan.

I come out of the closet and take it out of the bag.
His eyes widen as he sees it.

"Oh baby, you're going to kill me" he groans.

"I'm going to go put this on and I'll be right back" I wink.

"Don't be long" he smirks at me.
"I won't"

After that, I left the room. Grabbed my bags and quietly ran down the stairs.
Yes, this was it. I was escaping.
He couldn't get to me now. I would finally be free. A smile grew on my face. It's been a long time since then.

As I went to open the door, it creaked. My heart started going insanely fast. My blood started to heat.

"Y/N?" He yells from upstairs.
Fuck, he knows. I decide to run out the door now. He's going to get out of those handcuffs no matter how hard he has to pull. He will do anything to get to me.

I run down the street, looking back every 5 seconds to see if he's coming.

As I'm more than half way down the street, I hear a yell coming from down the street. I turn around to see Beom-Seok looking around for me. I quickly turn and run into someone's backyard and hide behind the fence.
I can hear a car engine starting.
He's going to take the car and start looking for me.

I've never made it this far during an a escape, maybe this time I actually have a chance.

you are my everything...(jungkook x reader) *completed* Where stories live. Discover now