monday, august 31st 2018, 1:24am (jeongguk's pov)

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Like always, I was more of a night owl than an early bird. I would stay up thinking into an abyss and let my thoughts get the best of me. Something was distracting me though. My headphones were in but I was hearing a notification ringer. It was like someone was sending another person constant messages.
I took out my headphones to hear properly and soon realized it was coming from next door.
That was Y/N's room.

I didn't want to go into Y/N's room. What if she's awake?
But it really was bothering me. With all the notifications, it sounded like it was never going to end.

"C'mon Jeongguk, don't go. It'll stop eventually" I mumbled to myself. But of course I let my gut get the best of me.

I get up and open my door silently so nobody hears. I tip toe next door and open Y/N's door discreetly.
Still tip toeing, I see her phone on the bed side table.

It was none of my business to see her messages but they alarmed me.

unknown number (missed calls 16)

unknown number: i swear when i find you, i will kill you

unknown number; you thought living with me was scary, try seeing me now

unknown number: you're a fucking bitch, you'll never be loved. who could ever love a whore like you?

unknown number: i used you for sex! i never even loved you, no guy ever could! your so fucking ugly and disgusting. you disgust me and i swear when i find you, im going to kick you until you die.

unknown number: (78 more texts)

My eyes grew wide.

Holy fucking shit.
This poor girl. I couldn't help but tear up. My heart sunk as I read these. What she must've been through. A tear falls from my eye. I quickly wipe it away to brush off any emotion.

"B-Beom-Seok?" I hear Y/N say. I look over to see her eyes are still closed. Is she sleep talking?

"No, I'm sorry, I love you" She gets a bit louder.

"Beom-Seok, please don't!" A little bit more.

My heart started to beat extremely fast.

"PLEASE STOP! IM SORRY! PLEASE DONT HURT ME!" She screams as she starts to sob in her sleep. I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly shake her back to reality.


Her eyes quickly open. Puffy and swollen from all the crying she had been doing. Without even knowing, we're in each other's arms. Her head is against my chest as I feel her tears on my shirt. I stroke her hair, trying to comfort her.
This broke my heart.
I immediately shed another tear.

Instantly, Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi, Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok are in the room. Looking at Y/N and I.
They don't question it because they understand.

She swiftly sits back from the embrace to wipe away her tears. I notice she's wearing my shorts and grey sweater. Hoseok must've gave it to her when I wasn't looking. I don't mind though.

"I'm so sorry, I should leave" Her voice cracks. She was still crying.

"No!" Seokjin says passionately.

"We're not leaving your side, Y/N" Yoongi says kindly.

She sits in front of me, sobbing.

"Jeongguk, how did you come so quick?" Namjoon asks.
Guess I'll have to tell everyone.

"Her phone kept going off so I was going to turn of the ringer but she was getting terrible messages from someone, and that's when she started having her nightmare" I admitted. She grabs her phone to see what I'm talking about. I couldn't bare to see her face as she looked at it.

"Oh my god" she says looking at her phone.

"I-It's Beom-Seok! The guy that abused me, h-he's going to kill me, I-I'm going to d-"

"Y/N, nobody is letting anything happen to you!" Taehyung says promptly.

"We need to take this to the police, right now!" Hoseok said, taking the phone out of Y/N's hands so she can't look at the messages anymore.

"B-But it's going to make him even more mad!" She cries. Her face was so red and sweaty. She looked like she had been crying her entire life. It saddened me. Broke my heart even more. How could someone be this broken? I thought I was a dumb, depressed boy, until she showed me what a hard life is actually like. I look up to her. How strong she was during the years she was with this man. How could someone be such a monster to this girl?

Jimin pulls out his phone and starts to dial 911.

"Not if he goes to jail and never can get out" He says angrily. Jimin seemed very hurt for Y/N. As all of us were.

Jimin and the rest of the boys leave the room to talk to the police and discuss what's going to happen. I stay in the room in front of Y/N to comfort her. I couldn't leave her alone right now.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I never meant to look at your messages or anythi—"
She cut me off with a hug.

"Thank you, for everything." She softly cries into my chest. My arms wrap back around her. Comforting the broken girl. I hope I made her feel safe. At least safer then that douche ever made her feel.

She pulls out of the hug and sniffles.
I admire her face. She was very pretty. I couldn't believe someone could treat her like this. She put upon a soft smile to show me.

"You don't have to show me a smile, I just want to know if you feel safe?" I asked.

"I think protected is more of the word for it"

Those words warmed my heart.

Yoongi walks into the room.

"Police will be here in 5 minutes. Be ready to be asked about him, Y/N."

She nods her head.
She's so strong. I'm proud of her. I probably would have been on the verge of suicide or even dead at this point. It makes me happy that she's still alive and that I get to know her. It makes me happy that she came into the Starbucks at the same time we were there and that we were able to protect her. And I will keep protecting her. I mean we all will.

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