thursday, june 15th 2019, 8:45pm (jeongguk's pov)

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Y/N and I had spent the last hours just walking around downtown Seoul.

Our arms were linked and I hadn't been this happy for a long time. It felt nice to spend a few hours away from the boys with someone who made me feel like home was anywhere.

We walked through cherry blossom trees and I watched as the petals fell through us as if it was raining cherry blossom petals. I also watched as the petals landed on Y/N's hair and how she looked oh so beautiful walking through them.

I was so in love with her. Every bone in my body knew that her smile could cure any bit of brokenness.

I turn her around to face me underneath the trees and I gaze into her winsome eyes.

"What are you doing?" She chuckles, revealing a smile with her teeth.

"Just admiring what's mine"

I could see that I've caused her to blush and smile uncontrollably, that's how she makes me feel on a daily basis.

She cups my face and places a peck on my lips.

"I'm yours, Jeongguk"
Those are the words that I've wanted to hear for so long. Saying it out loud only makes it the truth.

I watch as the sky gets darker and Y/N's eyes light up more.

She lunges onto my arm.
"Can we go see the lit up streets of downtown Seoul, I've always wanted to"

I look into her eyes and nod.

We walk back to the heart of downtown Seoul and admire the lit up buildings and streets. I look down to see Y/N eyes widen.
It was cute to see how intriguing the lights were to her.
She looked happy and it made me happy to know that she felt happy with me.

"You are absolutely gorgeous Y/N"

She looks up at me again and catches my eyes.
We study each other's eyes and just endure the moment.

"I really do love you, Jeongguk"

"I really do you love too, Y/N"

I slowly turn around and cup her face, leaning in only to result in a deepened kiss. My lips against hers was the best feeling in the world. Sharing my love for her was something i wished to do until the day I die.

Our lips release from the kiss and our foreheads touch, my hands still cupping her face.
I feel her hands touch mine and keep them on her cheeks. We keep gazing at each other, not able to take our eyes away.

A honk from cab automatically causes us to pull away.
She takes out her phone and checks the time.

"Shit, it's late. I have work tomorrow so I should be getting back."

I frown a little. I never wanted this night to end.

"My car is at Starbucks, I could drop you home"

"I would like that" she smiles up at me. Our fingers interlock again and we walk back to the car.


We both get into the car and put on our seatbelts.

"I really wish we didn't have to end this night" I tell her before starting the engine of the car.

"I really wish we didn't have to either, but I'm free on Saturday" she smiles.

"I'm taking you on a real date on Saturday"
I say, already having a plan in my head.

"So this wasn't a real date" she chuckles. Her laugh was so ridiculously cute. Her snorts when she laughs incredibly hard is so adorable. I fall in love with more each time she does.

"I mean fine we can count this but I meant a PLANNED real date"


She tells me the directions to her apartment which wasn't far from Starbucks which is why she walked.

I pulled up in front of her apartment and frowned. Knowing that this night is now over.

She cups my face and looks into my eyes.

"I'll message you, don't be sad because then I'm going to be sad and I'm supposed to be making you happy"
Her sweet smile shows.

"You make me the happiest man in the world"

Her smile grows and she crashes her lips on mine.

As she pulls away, our nose touch.

"I love you" she whispers softly.

"I love you too"

She opens her door and exits the vehicle. Before turning away and heading inside, she waves at me and I wave back.

She was pure gold.


I walk back inside the dorm with a smile on my face. Of course, I was thinking about the lovely night I just had with Y/N.

I hear someone yell angrily from the living room.
I walk up a little more to see all the members with Bang Pd-Nim. The members looked very scared...for me.

"Hey, what's going on?" I question walking up to them.
Suddenly, Bang Pd-nim pulls out a photograph of me and Y/N, holding hands in Starbucks.

"You are in big trouble"

you are my everything...(jungkook x reader) *completed* Where stories live. Discover now