monday, august 31st 2018, 9:36am (jeongguk's pov)

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I woke up to the delicious smell of Seokjin's cooking. I turn over to see Y/N sleeping on the couch. She I smiled looking at her peacefully dreaming. Not around that son of a bitch.

"I see you're awake"

I turn to see Namjoon. He saw me staring at her. Shit.

"I was just about to get u—"
He cut me off.

"Don't worry, I know" He winks as he walks away. Knows what?

I get up and clean up the blankets and pillows off the floor.
Taking one last glance at Y/N sleeping soundly, I run up the stairs to brush.

As I'm brushing, I look at myself in the mirror.
My mind starts to faze with an endless amount of horrible thoughts about myself.
I'm so ugly.
I can't do anything.
There's no use for me.
I'm such a horrible person.

I quickly look away from the mirror, feeling almost ashamed of even looking at myself in the first place. As if I shouldn't because I'm just that much of a disappointment. My eyes slowly start to tear up. I feel a rush of streams coming through my eyes. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Hello? Is someone in here?"
I hear Y/N say softly as she slowly knocks on the door.

I quickly wipe my tears and gargle water.

"One sec" I reply while wiping my mouth with the towel.

I open the door to reveal a girl who looked like she just woke up in such a beautiful way. Almost like an art piece.
I didn't want to look away. My eyes gazed with hers for about 4 seconds before...

"Are you okay?" She asks softly, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, th-the bathroom is all yours" I stutter as I also give a small smile, immediately walking my way out of that awkward conversation. I can feel her eyeing me as I walk away. I felt bad but I also shouldn't look at her like that.
After all she's been through, I just don't think she would want to live under the same roof as someone who thinks she's cute. I really don't know how to think of her right now.

I rush downstairs, ready to eat my dear Hyung's cooking. I come downstairs to see all members except for Yoongi hyung who obviously is still sleeping.
They all surround our round dinner table, eating Kimchi Fried Rice.

"Isn't it a bit too early to be eating Kimchi?"
I asked Seokjin.

"It's never too early" Hoseok replied back sounding offended. He loved Kimchi Fried Rice.

I sat down right next to Taehyung, leaving an empty seat beside me for Y/N.

I took a plate and put myself some Kimchi. Seokjin was the best cook in this house. Every time we decided to eat at home, he always did the cooking. He loved it plus he was so good at it.

"Amazing, Seokjin hyung" Jimin praised.

"I know" Seokjin smiles back at Jimin.

"Hey Jeonggukie, what are you thinking to do for your birthday, which is tomorrow?" Hoseok asks me.

I almost forgot my birthday was tomorrow, I'm turning 22. I didn't feel like I was 22.

"I'm not sure, we can do whatever, we don't even have to celebrate"

We all slightly laugh.

That's when I see Y/N walk up towards the dinner table. The light was reflecting off her face leaving a beautiful amount of sunlight showing off her face. She put her hand up to cover the sun from her eyes, making the sun reflection come off her face.

"Of course we're going to celebrate" She gently says before greeting all the members.

I smile at her as she smiles back.

"Hey Y/N! Come sit and eat, Seokjin cooked and it's the best food" Namjoon points to seat next to me for Y/N to sit.

"Yum! What'd he cook today?" She asks with a smile, as she comes and sits down right next to me. I gaze at her eyes but she was not looking at me so I don't think she noticed.


I can see Y/N's face melt into a frown then slowly into a lifeless face. It frightened me.
I can see her eyes slowly fill with tears. What's going on?

I place my hand on her knee.

"Y/N, are you oka—"
I was cut off by her hand harshly pushing mine off her knee. Followed by her running upstairs and a slammed door.

All the members start to look around at each other.

"Must've had something to do with that guy" Jimin said.

"Can I try to calm her down?" Taehyung asked. It kind of frustrated me when he asked, I wasn't sure why though.
Seokjin nodded, allowing him to talk to Y/N which boiled me up a bit more.
Taehyung gets up from his seat and runs upstairs off to help the damsel in distress.

As he leaves, I quickly look at Seokjin in anger.

"Why did you let him go talk to her? She's more comfortable talking with me" I argue. Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Seokjin all look at each other with a smile as they seem like they're about to burst out laughing.

"Why are you making those faces?" I question frustratingly.

"Because it sounds like someone is a tinsy bit jealous" Hoseok says, before they all burst out laughing.

I roll my eyes and decide that I want to go for a drive. I need some time to clear my head.

"I'm going out" I say, putting my plate in the sink and grabbing my jacket and keys from the near by closet.

"Where?" Seokjin asks.

"I don't know"

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