thursday, june 15th 2019, 11:24pm (your pov)

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I really missed Jeongguk. Finally, I was with the one I loved and I was happier then ever.
Of course, the fear of Jeongguk's boss finding out lingered my mind but I brushed it away with the thought of how happy Jeongguk makes me. I was willing to push everything away for him. He made me feel so complete.

I decide to take a bath before bed today, which I don't usually do but I wasn't tired and I hadn't had a bath in a long time so why not?
I had bought this really cool bath bomb earlier this week from Lush and I couldn't wait to try it out.

I grab my clothes and towel from my closets and head to the bathroom.
I place my items on the bathroom counter and start to fill up the bathtub, placing my hand under the faucet to check the water temperature. I feel the warmth of the water caressing my hand and keep this temperature to fill my whole tub.

As the bathtub fills up, I undress myself and place my feet into the tub. Feeling the warm water start to cover my body.
Slowly, I sit completely in the tub and just relax. Letting all my sorrows go.
I place the bath bomb in and watch as the colour explosion makes the water turn galaxy colours.

I start to go on my phone while in the bathtub to pass time. I debate texting Jeongguk.
Maybe he was sleeping?
I go onto my photos and look at pictures from earlier.

I smile as I look at the picture

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I smile as I look at the picture. Ah, he made my heart skip a beat.

As I was looking through more of my photos, I heard a slight noise coming from outside of the washroom. It was like...footsteps.

I covered my mouth as tears of fear formed in my eyes. The hair on the back of my neck rose. Goosebumps formed all over my body. I had a bad feeling.

I silently got up from my tub and headed for my towel and clothes.
Not even bothering to dry myself off, I pull on my shirt and shorts and lock my door.

The footsteps get closer and louder, turning into stomps.

I walk backwards slowly, heading for a corner to hide in. Looking for any protection whatsoever.

Suddenly, a loud pounding is heard on my door. My heart drops. I grab my phone and dial Jeongguk's number.

"PICK UP! PICK UP!" I mumble worriedly under my breath.
The banging on the door gets louder and starts to hurt my ears.

I step back once more and end up stepping on top of razor that was left on the floor.

I screech a little bit and then the pounding stops abruptly.

I start to hyperventilate.
As I start to dial 911, the door was kicked down.
Revealing one horrifying sight.


"Miss me my nae sarang" He says in a deep deafening voice. His black hair was almost covering his bright blue eyes. He was wearing a black and white suit and tie.

My body starts to shake.
I realized he was still on trial, he wasn't in jail yet.
He starts to step closer one stomp at a time.
As I'm shaking in fear, I back up more into the wall.
My sobs turn into cries for help.

Beom-Seok was now within arms length. My face turns away and my eyes were shut.
My heart felt heavy and I felt hopeless. He sees my phone and before I could press call, he takes it out my hand and throws it at the mirror, making my phone shatter into pieces and the mirror to crack.

I feel his hand caress my hair.

"Don't cry baby"
His voice sends chills down my spine.
I was going to die.

The caresses turned into a pull. He started to drag me out of the bathroom by my hair.

"STOP!" I screamed as my tears fell off my face.


He dragged me all the way to my living room and left me on the floor.

"I told you I would find you"
He smirks creepily.

His foot lifts and hits my stomach, hard.
And again,
And again,
And again.

Blood was gushing out of my mouth.
No one knew what was going on. Jeongguk never answered. I couldn't call 911 in time.

He picked me up from my hair again. I think my head was bleeding at this point too.
He started to punch me multiple times in the jaw.
I already felt broken. I already felt dead.

He lets go of my hair, causing me to fall onto the ground in fetus position.

He grabs one of my arms and pulls me towards the bed.
Suddenly, he throws me over his shoulder and places me down the bed.

I already knew what was going to happen.

He makes me watch as he unties his tie from his neck and comes around to place it on my wrist, cuffing me to bed like I did to him during the escape.

"You really thought you could get away with it, hmm?"
He whispers seductively in my ear.

"Beom-Seok, I beg you. Please stop!" I whimper. Of course, he wasn't going to listen. All he did was smirk.

He starts to pull down my shorts. My cries for help get louder, just wishing, hoping someone could hear me.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch"

The tears fall slowly from my eyes as he slides the shorts of my feet.
My heart was already torn.

Unanticipatedly, my front door opened.

"Y/N?" I hear a familiar voice call out.

Beom-Seok's eyes widen. My heart started to race. He was going to kill Taehyung.

"TAEHYUNG! LEAVE" I scream as my voice chokes as a result of my crying.

I see Taehyung's eyes meet with Beom-Seok. My eyes widen in fear for Taehyung.

Taehyung screams out towards the direction of my front door.
Abruptly, I see Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin come running in.
No Jeongguk.

Beom-Seok looked...scared.
Suddenly, Namjoon's fist clashes with Beom-Seok's jaw.
Beom-Seok fell to the floor as the rest of the boys started to kick him in the stomach.

"Jimin, call 911 now!" Taehyung yells as he rushingly comes over to me and unties me. Jimin runs to the side and dials the police.

"J-Jeongguk, where is he?" I stutter.

"We came here to look for him, where the fuck is he?" Taehyung says. My heart drops.

Again, Jeongguk wasn't here when I needed him the most.

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