thursday, june 15th 2019, 12:27pm (jeongguk's pov)

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"Hyung, how does this look?"
I ask Taehyung about my outfit since he was the fashionista of the group besides Hoseok.

None of the other group members knew I was going to see Y/N, only Taehyung because knowing Namjoon, he would have something to say about. I don't know why but I don't think he likes Y/N which angers me because she did nothing wrong.

"You look GORGEOUS!" Taehyung squeals while looking at my outfit.

"You're beyond gay" I chuckle at Taehyung.

"I know, don't you just love it?"
Taehyung was so nice no matter what to me which is why he and I were so close. I supported him through everything and he did the same for me. I was the one to encourage to come out because he told me first.

"I really do"
I say before pulling him into a hug. I was grateful for him.

"Thank you, for everything" I say into his ear before releasing him from the hug.

"Have fun Jeongguk" he smiles at me before I walk downstairs to go meet up with Y/N.

I rush down the stairs and head for door before being stopped quickly.

"Where are you going Jeongguk?"
Seokjin sees me as him and Namjoon are cuddling on the couch.

"Just going to get some food, I'll be back soon"
I wasn't planning on being back soon. I was planning on spending all day with Y/N catching up with her and hoping she'll tell me she kept her promise.

"Okay, don't be stupid" Seokjin says, allowing me to leave the house even though I really didn't need his permission.

I swing open the door and head for my car. Getting ready to see the one and only girl that I ever cared so much for...besides my mom.

But I knew from the first time I laid my eyes on Y/N, she was different from a lot of the other girls I knew. We met the day after I hit 5 years of being sober.
I was a huge drug addict the year before debuting and thanks to the members I was able to quit.

Meeting her felt like she fixed me a bit more and I hoped to do the same for her.


I park in the Starbucks parking lot, taking deep breaths before opening my door and going inside. I put on a black mask to cover my mouth and nose so I don't get spotted.
Also, just wishing this will go well.

I open the Starbucks door and look around to find Y/N. That's when I see her. Her beautiful hair parted down the middle. She was wearing light makeup but even without makeup was still the most stunning human on the face of the planet.

*plz listen to only then by jungkook if you really wanna go with this next part*

Her eyes meet mine and she waves at me with a big smile. It warmed my heart.

I walk up the chair in front of her and just gaze into her sparkling eyes. Before I even know it, she pulls me into a tight embrace. I could feel her heartbeat against mine or maybe that was just mine because I was really nervous.
My hands grasp around her waist, not wanting to leave this hug.

"I missed you" she whispers into my ear as were still in the hug. Tears slowly start to form but I manage to hold them back.

"I missed you too"

We release from the hug and sit on the opposite side of each other, facing one another.

"So how was everything been so far?" I ask.

"Good! I've been really happy lately, just a little more happier recently because I've finally started talking with you again" she smiles. Making my heart thump once more.

"I was actually kind of nervous to message you"
I scratch the back of my head, slowly placing my hands back down on the table.

Suddenly, I feel Y/N hands touch mine and intertwine with my fingers.

"Jeongguk, I,"
We're gazing into each other's eyes. My heart was pounding and I felt myself getting goosebumps from her touch.

"I kept my promise"

This weight on my shoulders was lifted.

"D-Do you still love me?" I stutter my words with how nervous I was.

"I think I love you more then before"

A smile forms on both of our faces.

"I love you too, Y/N"

I could feel myself start to blush and my heart flutter. She made me feel so happy about myself and about everything.

"I had never stopped" I tell her, causing tears to form in her eyes.

"I never did either, Jeongguk"
A tear slowly falls from one of her eyes.

I knew she loved me, and she knew I loved her.

"But, what does this mean for us?"
She asks.
That was the question that was left. I didn't know myself because none of this changed the fact that I wasn't allowed to date.

"I know I'm not allowed to date but doesn't mean we can't try to keep it a secret" I suggest. No matter what, I wanted to be with her more than anything in the world.

"But if someone does find out? I don't want be the reason for something to happen to your career!"

"Then, we'll figure that out if it happens but right now all I know is that I want to be with you Y/N and I can't wait any longer"

She smiles and grabs my hand again.

"I can't wait any longer either"

Butterflies take over my stomach. I was so happy. Probably the happiest I had ever been. She was just everything I had ever wanted...needed. A glance at her smile made all my problems go away.

"Want to get out of here? Maybe go for a walk and see some cherry blossom trees?" I suggested. She nods and we head out of the cafe.

you are my everything...(jungkook x reader) *completed* Where stories live. Discover now