Chapter Seven

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Callie looked up from her desk when she heard a tapping on her door. Her gaze narrowed when she saw Happy's BFF standing there smiling sheepishly at her. Kozik gave a little wave as he stepped into her office and shut the door behind himself before sitting in the chair across from her desk. Callie sighed and shook her head.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

He shrugged and grinned. "I can't come visit an old friend? See how you're doing?"

Callie sat back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah, sure you can, but since you were a conspirator, I'm not sure I want to talk to you. Besides, I'm leaving shortly to drive up to Stockton."

Kozik nodded. "Yeah, I know. That's part of the reason I'm here. Hap wanted you to have an escort to the prison and didn't think you'd be very welcoming if he offered."

Callie rolled her eyes as she lit a cigarette. "I'm perfectly capable of going alone. I don't need a chaperone."

Kozik just shrugged. "Maybe so, but I have my marching orders for the day." He looked away from her direct gaze for a moment before continuing. "You should cut him some slack, Callie. He was just trying to protect you."

Callie stared at Koz for a moment. "I was under the impression that he just wanted to end things but didn't know how."

Kozik snorted and shook his head. "Yeah, I heard, and I figured that Happy fucked up with telling you. He was hung up on you big time, Callie. Everyone could see it. I think if things hadn't gone down the way they did, you two would have probably been married long before now."

Callie ignored that for the moment, leaning forward in her chair. "What exactly did go down?"

Kozik sighed. "Hap got in a fight with a dude in a bar. Accidentally killed him. Found out later that he was high up in a club in Tacoma. The club put out a hit on Happy and anyone connected to him." He pointed a finger at her. "That's why he begged you to leave town, to leave him. He wanted you gone in case they came after you." He shrugged. "When you refused to leave, he came up with the idea to fake his death. Once we were sure you were safely away, SAMTAC took out the threat and everything went back to normal."

Callie sat staring off into space. If she were to believe Koz, Happy hadn't wanted to leave her. She shook her head. "Why didn't he just tell me? I would have gone away until the coast was clear."

Kozik grinned. "Have you met him? He didn't want you to know what he'd done, thought you'd look at him differently. Add to that his pride and ego, he made up his mind that you would be better off without him." He shook his head and grew serious. "He went down a really dark road after that. He... look, it's not my place to tell you any more, but just do everyone a favor and give him some of your time. That's all he wants."

Callie sighed and stood up, grabbing her purse and car keys. "Well, come on, babysitter. Let's go see Uncle Otto. Parker has a game tonight."

Kozik grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I know. I think everyone is planning on going. I personally can't wait to meet what Happy calls his mini-me."


Callie sat watching Parker warm up on the pitcher's mound and mentally shook her head. Kozik hadn't been kidding when he said everyone was coming. The whole club was here, along with Lyla and a woman named Tara, who was apparently Jax's old lady. Callie was currently smooshed between Kozik and Happy on the bleachers, the latter scooting closer and closer until she was practically in his lap, which he seemed satisfied with if the smirk on his face was any indication. Callie sighed and stood up, immediately getting Happy's attention.

"Where ya going?"

"I'm going to get something to drink at the concession stand."

He stood as well before gently pushing her back into her spot on the bleachers. "I'll go. Have you eaten today?"

Callie sighed. "Hap, I'm able to go get a Coke, really."

Happy narrowed his eyes at her before turning his gaze to Kozik. "Since she can't answer a simple question, maybe you know. Did she eat today?"

Koz shook his head. "Not when she was with me, no."

Happy just shook his head and mumbled something about stubborn women as Callie glared at him. Most of the guys decided to go to concessions with Happy, leaving the women behind. Gemma moved to sit beside Callie, chuckling at the look on her face. "You need to get used to that again, huh?"

"I forgot just how bossy he could be."

Lyla spoke up from behind them. "They're all like that, but they mean well. You just have to pick your battles."

Tara snorted in amusement from beside Lyla. "Yeah, and a trip to the concession stand isn't the battle to choose. Save those for the big stuff."

Callie just nodded as the guys returned, Kozik carrying two bottles of Coke and Happy carrying nachos and a hot dog. He held them up as if asking her to choose and she grinned as she took the nachos off his hands. "Thanks."

He nodded as he sat down and took the drink from Koz. "Welcome." He took a healthy swig before handing her the bottle. He lifted a brow when she just stared at him. "What? Afraid of a little spit?"

Callie snorted as she took the bottle from him. "Wouldn't be the first time we've shared bodily fluids." 

Happy barked out a laugh, gaining the attention of everyone around them. "True enough. Hey, how about after the game, we go for a ride?"

Callie shook her head. "I don't think so. Parker's going to be hungry and she'll have homework..."

Happy gave her a look. "She's almost sixteen, Cal. She can be by herself for a little while. If you're that worried about it, Koz said he'd stay with her."

Tig leaned around the other side of Happy, obviously listening to their conversation. "Yeah, go for a ride with Hap. Me and Koz will sit with Parker." He smirked as he winked at her. "I mean, he's already taken your virtue a long time ago. What else have you go to lose?"

Happy snickered as Callie thought to herself that she still had a lot to lose, like her heart.

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