Chapter Eighteen

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One Week Later

Callie was sorting through some invoices when her cell phone started ringing. She frowned when she saw that it was Parker calling.

"Hey sweetie, what's up?"

"Mom, there's a strange dude outside the house. He knocked on the door but I didn't open it. Now he's just standing in the driveway."

Callie's frown deepened as she got up and hurried out of her office to find Happy. "Ok, I'm sending your dad. Do not open the door until your dad gets there, do you understand me?" 

"Ok, mom. Can you have him hurry? I'm freaking out a little."

Callie saw Happy standing by the door talking to Lyla and Opie. "Ok, sweetie. He's on his way."

She stopped beside Happy and tugged on his arm. "I need you to go to the house and check on Parker. She just called saying that there's a strange guy outside trying to get in."

Happy straightened up and nodded, looking at the others. "You and Lyla good here? I'll take Opie with me."

Callie and Lyla both nodded. "Yeah, we'll be fine. Just make sure Parker's ok."

Happy nodded as Opie looked at both women. "Just stay inside until we get back. Don't leave."

Both women nodded and Opie and Happy took off to go check on Parker. Lyla and Callie had just settled in her office to take a break when they heard an explosion outside. Callie started toward the door as Lyla grabbed her arm. "Opie said to stay in here."

Callie shook her off and glared at her. "Lyla, we're grown women and that was an explosion! Something is going on outside and I need to know what it is!"

She didn't wait to see if Lyla was following her as she ran down the hall to the main doors. When she stepped outside, she saw that her car was engulfed in flames. Before she could take two steps toward her car, she felt a sharp pain in her head and everything went black.


Before they had left Cara Cara, Happy had called Chibs to have him come up and sit with the girls. Something just wasn't sitting right with him. He could feel it in his gut that something was going to happen. As they pulled out of the driveway, he was more worried about Parker than Callie, but he still wanted his old lady protected while he wasn't there. When they pulled up out front of the house, there was no sign that anyone had been there. He saw Parker look out the front window before opening the door and meeting them in the driveway.

"I was watching him from the upstairs window. He got a phone call a few minutes ago and left. I tried to call mom but she didn't answer."

Happy looked at Opie before shaking his head and pulling out his phone. Before he could dial Callie's number, Chibs was calling.

"We got a problem, brother. I got here and Callie and Lyla are nowhere to be found and Callie's car is blown to shite. Someone made a production out of this."

"Fuck! Ok, I'm going to take Parker to Gemma's then we'll be back up there. Call everyone."

He hung up before Chibs could reply, looking at Opie and Parker. He wanted to lose his shit but knew that Parker would have a meltdown if he did. Instead, he took a deep breath and let it out before speaking.

"Chibs said the girls aren't there and Callie's car was blown up. We gotta go." He grabbed Parker in a hug as she started to sob. "Shhh, baby. We'll find mom. I need you to go pack a bag so I can take you to Gemma's. Hurry up now."

As she ran into the house to do what her dad said, Opie looked at Happy. Both men were beside themselves with worry and rage but didn't want to let it out in front of Parker. "This is Georgie, man. It has to be."

Happy nodded, the look on his face one that Opie hadn't seen before. "Yeah, and he's going to die because of it."


Callie slowly woke up and looked around groggily. She was in the kitchen of a house somewhere, tied to a chair. Lyla was beside her, tied the same but looked fine otherwise. Callie winced at the pain throbbing in her temple.

"Any idea where we are?"

Lyla looked up with relief on her face. "Thank god, you're awake! I thought they killed you." She shook her head. "I have no idea where we are, other than it's an old farmhouse."

Callie nodded as they heard footsteps coming from somewhere in the house. Soon, Georgie and two guys they had never seen before stepped into the room. Georgie smiled at Callie.

"Good to see that you're awake. I'm sorry that Harry here hurt you, but he's a little bit of a hothead. No serious harm was done though. Yet anyway."

Callie rolled her eyes at the friendly tack he was taking. "Why are we here? Do you really think this is the way to get what you want?"

Georgie sighed as he pulled up a chair to sit between Callie and Lyla. "Well, I tried being reasonable and you didn't want to discuss the matter, so you really left me with no choice, did you?" He shook his head as he considered the woman sitting beside him. "Ya know, Lyla here is just collateral damage. You're the one that I really wanted. You go way back with SAMCRO, don't you?"

Callie shrugged, trying to act like she wasn't scared to death. "Not really. Yeah, Luann was my aunt, but I didn't really have any dealings with the MC. Not until I came here to take over anyway."

Georgie grinned and shook a finger at her. "Now, now, that's not quite true, is it? Your baby daddy is a member. Happy Lowman, right?" When Callie just nodded, he continued. "You have a beautiful daughter by the way. Jerry over there was quite taken with her." He grinned as Callie shuddered, suddenly scared for her daughter. "Don't worry. I'll make sure she isn't bothered... if I get what I want." His grin widened and Callie felt a chill go down her spine. "If I don't get what I want... well, that's a different story. There is quite a market for young girls in the business."

Callie felt a rage take over her that she had never felt before. Her voice was shaking with it as she answered him. "You touch one hair on her head and my old man will kill you."

Georgie chuckled and shook his head as he stood up to leave. "Well, he'd have to find me first, and I'm pretty good at hiding. I'll let you think over what I've said and come back in a bit to discuss it some more."

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