Chapter Twenty

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As four motorcycles parked in front of a dilapidated farmhouse on the outskirts of Lodi, two shots were heard from inside. Four bikers ran for the front door, pulling guns as they went, two hoping that they were going to find their women whole. Happy kicked the front door in before running in with Opie, Tig, and Juice right behind him. As they entered the kitchen, his legs almost went out from under him at the scene. Lyla, crying and shaking as she sat against the old refrigerator with a gun in her hands, pointed at the man now laying in a puddle of his own blood by the back door.

Happy choked back a sob along with the bile rising into his throat as he saw Callie laying in front of the filthy and blood splattered stove. There was a growing red stain on her side and her eyes were closed as if she were asleep. He fell to his knees in front of her as Opie helped Lyla up off the floor and checked her for injuries. She clung to him as Tig joined Happy while Juice checked the man by the door.

Tig muttered to himself as he and Happy turned Callie to see where she was injured. He looked up at Juice, pointing at him. "Call Jax. Tell him we need the van and Tara to meet us at TM." He then looked at Opie. "Leave Lyla with us and go check to make sure we're alone." He sighed when he looked at the man kneeling beside him. "Hap, she's still alive, ok? You need to put pressure on her wound." 

He looked around for something to use to stop the flow of blood, finally pulling his kutte then the shirt under it off. He wrapped the shirt around Callie, forming a makeshift tourniquet. Happy nodded and moved around to sit on the floor beside Callie, holding his hand to her side and pushing hard. Tig finally looked at Lyla as Opie came back in the room. "What the fuck happened?"

Lyla wiped her eyes and shook her head. "I shot him. It happened so fast, I swear. He... he untied us, but we didn't understand why since Georgie had told him to kill us." She shook her head and took a deep breath before continuing. "He told Callie that if he couldn't have Parker, then he was going to use both of us before putting a bullet in our heads. Callie went crazy. She jumped on him, just beating the shit out of him. Somehow, he lost his gun and I picked it up. He... he threw Callie off and I heard her head smack into the stove hard before he pulled another gun from his pocket and just fucking shot her. He turned my way and I shot before I even thought about it." She looked at Happy, who was silently crying as he held Callie in his arms. "I didn't know he was going to shoot her, I swear."

Happy just shook his head as Opie pulled her into his arms. "It's ok, baby. We know. You did good, baby."

It seemed to take much longer for the van to get there than it did for them, but eventually, Half-Sack came running in to help Happy get Callie put into the back of the van. Happy never said a word to anyone, just climbed onto his bike and lead the group back to Charming.


When they arrived at TM, Happy, still not speaking, carefully picked Callie up from the bed of the van and carried her to the chapel, laying her down gently so Tara could get to work. He walked back out, leaving Callie in the hands of Tara and Chibs as he went to the bar to grab the whiskey from the shelf. Jax walked in, looking around at the silent and tense group. Opie quickly filled him in on what happened at the farmhouse, Jax nodding before walking over to stand beside Happy.

"I'll call Gemma and tell her what's going on. She won't tell Parker anything until we know how Callie is."

Happy stared at Jax for a beat, showing no emotion and saying nothing about his daughter, before finally speaking. "Do we have him?"

Jax sighed and nodded. "Yeah, we stowed him at the cabin. Figured you'd wanna head that way as soon as Callie was in the clear."

Happy shook his head before downing another shot, slamming the glass on the bar top. "Nah, I'll go now. I can't sit here and wait to hear that she's dead, man. I... she lost so much fucking blood." He shook his head again as if to clear it. "He threatened my kid and shot my old lady. He's gonna die and it's gonna be bloody."

Jax nodded before clapping his hand on Happy's shoulder. As Happy made for the door, Jax nodded at Tig and the other man stood up. He passed Jax, reaching out a hand to squeeze his shoulder. "I got him, man." 

Jax just nodded again as the two men left. He looked over at Lyla before walking to her and pulling her into a hug. "I hear that you did good."

Lyla shook her head, looking at him sadly. "If I'd done good, Callie wouldn't be shot."

Jax leaned down to look into her eyes as Opie pulled her into his side. "Nah, Ly. That's not on you, ok? You're both alive and that's because of you."

Lyla slowly nodded before letting her head rest against Opie's chest. "What do we do now?"

Jax sighed and shook his head, looking at the closed chapel doors and silently praying to any god that wanted to listen. "We wait."

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