Chapter Ten

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Callie woke up slowly, snuggling into the warmth and sighing contentedly as she pulled the covers closer. When she found herself unable to turn over, she opened one eye to see Happy's face inches from her own, still sound asleep with an arm under her neck and one wrapped firmly around her waist, stopping her from moving. She grinned as she inched closer, running her free hand up and around his neck as she slid one leg between his. She let her eyes close again, telling herself that she would get up soon to get breakfast started, but she just needed a few more minutes of cuddling first.

Her eyes opened again as Happy moaned and moved his arms, the one under her neck now wrapped around her shoulders and the other moving down so he could cup her ass in his big hand.

"Damn, Cal, how close you trying to get, girl?"

She giggled as he pulled her even closer, flush against him, making her thigh rub against his boxers-clad crotch. "Shut up, you know you love it."

Happy grinned as he squeezed her ass, pulling her pelvis into his. She bit her lip as she felt the rather impressive erection he was already sporting. "I do, but damn. You move that leg any more, and Parker will have to fix her own breakfast." He leaned in and kissed her before laying his head back on the pillow. "I could get used to this every morning."

Callie grinned as she traced his lips with a finger. "It is kinda nice, isn't it?"

Happy nodded before he bit her fingertip, making her yelp. "Something to think about, right?"

Before Callie could answer, her bedroom door opened and Parker's head appeared. "Hey mom, I'm gonna... Oops, sorry." Parker smirked when she saw both her parents in the bed. "I'm gonna start the coffee. Hurry up." She started to pull the door shut but stuck her head back in. "Morning, dad."

After the door shut, Callie chuckled as she buried her face in Happy's chest. He groaned and held her tighter. "Cock-blocked by my own kid."

She snorted before disentangling herself from his hold and sitting up on the side of the bed. She stood up and looked back at the man in her bed with a smirk. "You can use the shower if you want. I'm gonna go start breakfast."


Callie was turning the bacon while Parker told her about a boy she liked at school when Happy walked into the kitchen. He was instantly hit with the feeling that this was right where he needed to be, with both of his girls. He smirked to himself as he listened to Parker going on and on about some dude in her class. He pointed a finger at her as he passed the table on the way to where Callie was standing at the stove.

"Give me the kid's name and I'll have Juice run him."

Callie snickered as Parker stared at her father in horror. "Dad! You can't do that!"

Happy shrugged as Callie just shook her head. He could tell that she was leaving him on his own for this one. "Why can't I? It's just a background check." He turned to Callie. "No time to eat, babe. I gotta go do a thing. Give me a kiss." When she turned her face to his without thought, he grinned, thinking to himself that someone else must be feeling the rightness of the situation too. "You coming to the clubhouse later?"

Callie sighed and shook her head as she pointed at Parker. "Hap, she's fifteen. She doesn't need to be at the clubhouse."

Happy just gave her a look as Parker looked on, seemingly excited by the prospect. "Come on, Cal. It's Bobby's birthday. She can come for a little while." He grinned then as he stole a piece of bacon. "Besides, the good shit doesn't start until around midnight. I'm sure Gemma would love to have her spend the night at her house."

Parker nodded quickly as Happy winked at her. "Yeah, mom, I can spend the night with Gemma and Clay. You should go hang out with dad."

Happy leaned down to kiss her again. "Yeah, mom, please?" When Callie just glared at him, he snickered and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Wear something sexy." He smacked her lightly on the ass as he stepped away from her, making Callie growl at him and Parker laugh. As he walked by the table, he leaned down and kissed Parker on top of the head. "Behave yourself, little girl. See you later."

As he got on his bike and started it up, he thought that the guys would give him shit if they could see him right now, being all domestic and shit. He didn't care though, because he smiled all the way to TM.


"So is dad moving in?"

Callie almost dropped the eggs on the floor. She shot her daughter a look before sighing and turning to the stove. "Honey, it was just late when we got in last night, that's all. I don't think we are anywhere near ready to have that discussion."

She heard Parker sigh. "I guess, it's just that... I really like it when he's around. It feels like a real family."

Callie turned from the stove with two plates full of bacon and eggs and moved to the table to sit across from Parker. "I get that, Park, I really do, but you have to understand that it's a big change for me. I've always been the only one responsible for you, and it's going to take a lot of adjustment for all of us."

Parker nodded as she swallowed the bite of eggs. "I know mom, but he's really trying, you know?" Parker paused with a piece of bacon to her mouth to shake her head. "But seriously, we need to keep him from running off the guys that I like. I don't want to be single until he dies."

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