chapter six mixed feelings

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The next day (y/n) woke up on someone's chest. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light of the sun. It was the one and only bendy. She was relax at first but realized it was bendy. She jumped out of the bed but only to be stopped by bendy. He pulled her back into his chest.

"Good morning my little kitty." "Morning bendyboo." (Y/n) gave him a kiss on his head so he can let her go. And it did work, also leaving bendy with a huge red on his cheek. Hearts were around him, (y/n) only giggle. Till she remembers about the others
"Hey bendy I got to go. The others must must be waiting for me." (y/n) said as she head downstairs.

Bendy shake his head making the blush go away. Only leaving him to feel disappointed (y/n) needs to go. He follow her downstairs. "Sure thing toots. But I walk you home. Okay?" "Sure thing! I don't mind." Both of them went out the door and started to walk. Bendy still thinking a way to make her stay longer with him. But nothing came to his mind.

With the others~

June was boiling with anger for the fact that (y/n) hasn't come back home yet. "June please come down! Why don't we call the others? Probably they know where she is, June?" Lilly plead again. There was silence at the moment but it was stopped by a knock on the door. "SIMON!! " "What!?!?" Get the door!" Why me?" "NOW!!" "Okay,okay,okay. I do it."

Simon got of the couch and walk to the door, grumpy.

Simon POV

Why is it always me? Uhhh. I open the door to only to see.......(y/n). "( Y/n) your back!" I was so happy that I didn't think at first and gave her a hug. "Aww. Miss me so much Simon?" Shit. I let go of her, putting her back on the floor. "Umm....June is mad just to tell you. And why didn't came yesterday?" I said at feeling of being embarrassed. I first I didn't noticed bendy at first. "What the fuck are you doing here bendy?" I said as I close the door behide me, walking closer to them. "Why do you care? I don't need to tell an ass like you, anyway." He said as he stick up his middle finger. That is it he is going to get it!

I was ready to give him the a punch in the face in till (y/n) went in front of me. Her face was facing me she put her hand up." see....." she pause and looks at me in the eye, making look into her eyes.

"....I went far a walk after we fight. I meet Alice at a shop since Halloween was coming up. I went to her house and bendy and boris was there. Bendy walked me home but you guys were sleeping. So I went to bendy's house. Please don't let June kill me this time." She beg me as her went up into the air tail as it moves . Putting her cute eyes.....she always does this. She knows this is my weakness! "Uhhhh! Fine but you owe me one!" I looked away from her. For the fact my face had a little shaded of pink on my cheeks.

"Golly! Thanks Simon." She giggle, which made my blush from pink to red. What made it worst was she jumped on me giving me a tight hug. I was a cherry by now. She purrs into the hug with her eyes close. Now the tip of me tail and horn was red. But it felt so nice. Ahh....i..i..I wish I can stay like this forever with h- WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! My thoughts were broken by bendy clearing his throat.

I look up. Seeing that he was pissed, for the fact (y/n) was hugging me. Niw it is my turn I stick up middle finger. Lol this funny. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the door of the house slammed open only to reveal June herself. "SIMON I SAID TO OPEN THE DOOR!!! NOT STAY LO-" she see (y/n) and run up to her. (Y/n) had a face i seen before. The look 'Oh shit I'm fucked up'. But ot my and her surprise June just hug her really tight. You can tell that she almost took the life out of her. "OMG (Y/N) WHERE WERE YOU!!!!" June yelled at her face with her hands in the air. Yikes! I felt bad for her. What the fuck am I saying!? It is always fun to see her like that. What is going on with me lately?

I was to lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the others were arguing. In till I heard bendy speak up which got my attention. "Look, June.." he said in a tone I never heard before. "(Y/n) had to stay with me at my house. Because you guys were sleeping." June was about to open her mouth I got interrupted by bendy "And before that she was at a store with Alice doing some fucking girly shit."

I was in shock so was the others. Well... except (y/n). What can I say she's unique, very special talented. Her face is so, so beautiful I just want to- what the fuck! I'm thinking again. What is this feeling!?

     This happened to me ever since I met (y/n). I should ask the others what is this feeling. "Told you! I was telling the truth miss June!" ''I'm sorry (y/n) it's just that I was worried since you didn't came yesterday. So was the other, Lily try to call me down but it didn't work. And you know me, I got some anger issues." "No problem hun bun. It happens to everybody.  I wouldn't blame you." Everyone belly grumbled, well I think it's time to eat. Yeah. "Hey! Can bendy come eat with?" (Y/n) said which I was mad. Why the fuck him. What is it bendy! That bendy this! BENDY MY ASS!!

        "Sure why not. Since he's also hungry like everyone else." With that they enter the house. But I stay behind, why the fuck is bendy coming with us.  To be everywhere now. What even pisses me off more is that he's next to (y/n) and try to flirt with her. Seriously (y/n) you let bendy do that!

          When I try to do it I get a punched in my fucking face. What is this! Shit.  Now my belly rumbles again. Great, I walked inside I see that (y/n) is serving the food. I sit and eat so did the other start eating. Everyone start to talk to each other. But I just look at bendy. What a bitch. Bendy notice and I turn my head looking away from him for the rest of the breakfast. We look each other as we want to kill each other. Or at least I want to kill him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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