Chapter 1

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Disclaimer- I do not own Percy Jackson or anything else referenced.

Also, shout out to ForeverPJO22 for coming up with Percy's constellation name. Also, I'm sorry if this sucks, I just want to get this part out of the way.

Chapter 1

The Nitrogen in our DNA
The Calcium in our teeth
The Iron in our blood
The Carbon in our apple pies

We're made in the interiors of collapsing stars

We are made of Star Stuff

Percy's POV  

I stood there surrounded by friends. Friends that I loved. Friends that I trusted with my life. I was also surrounded by enemies, but that's not really the point.

I stood - no WE stood together on that clearing that would soon become a legend to the demigods, that is if we survived. No, we WOULD survive, not just my friends, but all the campers. Camp Halfblood and Jupiter alike. We had to.

How many times had I walked past this clearing without batting an eye. It was sort of like the field where the Battle of the Labyrinth took place. No one cared, noticed, or even knew it had existed until the fateful day of the battle. I knew this was going to be the same. In fact, no matter who won this field was going to be important and recognized. It was going to be the place where the battle was won and where many had sacrificed their lives.

'Nobody's going to die,' I told myself firmly. It was a lie and not a very helpful one at that. Looking across the field at the army of monsters told me that much. I never even noticed my statement was true, even afterward, considering my pun that came from the little island in the Sea of Monsters.

I felt something take my hand and squeeze it gently. "We can only give it our best try, there is only so much one person can do." Annabeth looked into my eyes. "Just please, don't do anything stupid."

I gave her a grin, a grin that hid my doubt and hopeless feelings. "Me? Stupid? How could you think so little of me."

Annabeth didn't answer. Instead, she slipped her hand out of mine and refocused on the threat in front of us. I pulled out my pen and uncapped it. It elongated into its lethal form, Riptide.

Annabeth's words crept back into my mind, 'Don't do anything stupid.' It always kind of bothered me how my best friends, in fact, everyone, looked down on my intelligence. I already knew I wasn't a genius, but I wasn't stupid. Stupid demigods don't survive very long and I was 16, almost 17. Annabeth claims she's the only reason I'm still alive. She's right, per usual, just not completely.

Annabeth doesn't fight all my battles and isn't always there. And just because I don't advertise the fact, doesn't mean I haven't saved her life as many as she's saved mine. The truth is we're the only reason we're still alive.

I shook my head, banishing the thought for later. I was on a battlefield. I don't have time to think like this. I scanned the battlefield. It seemed neither side knew how to make the first move. we just stood, staring at each other waiting.

I took a step forward, enforcing the first move. Any eye that wasn't already looking my way glued themselves me.

I had everyone's full and undivided attention. Something a teacher at school could only dream of. I didn't like it at all. I was uncomfortable and nervous, at least on the inside. Everyone else saw a lie. They saw a selfless, brave, fearless leader. Undefeatable even. Annabeth thought so too, as long as you add idiotic and reckless to the list.

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