Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

This is short because, why not? I'm sure you guys want an update so here you go. Hope you like it.

Percy's POV

I quietly shut the door behind me and leaned against a shadow devoured wall. Remembering Ouranos' instructions, I closed my eyes and imagined myself as a star. Sure enough, I became one. Light showered my vision, making it all I could see. Energy poured into me most likely making my ADHD worse. Most amazingly, I got a clear view of earth.

How did this even work? I mean stars are a bunch of hot gasses burning continually producing light. Obviously I was still in the Milky Way galaxy because I could see the earth. The closest galaxy to it was Andromeda Galaxy, and from earth you could only see it as a small red smug in the sky on the clearest and most unlight polluted area.

It was amazing to look around because not only could I see earth, but the entirety of the galaxy. A constellation's stars aren't all right next to each other. I could see nebula, white dwarfs, comets, red Giants, the planets. Pretty much in short, I was given a sight that a NASA employee would die for. Technically I did.

I decided to answer my question with the one Apollo had given me about his sun chariot, 'science is boring.'

Realizing I had gotten lost in my mind, I guided my train of thought to the rails of Ouranos' second set of instructions. Imagine yourself in human form with no set destination.


The light that shined ooh so bright practically blinding me, faded away into a dim glow as I did what he said. Upon exposing my irises to my surroundings, I beheld a sight even a satyr couldn't dream up.

Shades of green collided everywhere contrasting perfectly with the pale petals on flowers. Silver moonlight stained the dark healthy bark of the trees. Remnants of water sparked as they played a small but important part in the painting. Dark cool grass lie beneath my feet, and little lights peeked desperately though the grass trying to find little opening to shine the brightest they could.

I felt like a fairy had flown by, shedding pixy dust in the air because I was surrounded by the firefly looking lights. I reached out to touch one. A pulse of small brightness erupted as my finger drew near, before disappearing without a trace.

I stared in awe. How could such a place be. It was magical looking, like I had gotten lost in a fairy tale. Scatter minded and mentally lost, I wandered in numb shock. Strangely, I encountered no wildlife, not even a small sign. No peep came from the birds, no hoots from the owls, no ribbits from the frogs, no chirps erupted from the crickets. It was silent.

I didn't mind, I just kept enjoying the nature wonder land, and imaging what Grover would say.

That was until I met the monster.

I walked into an area covered in dust, sooty, mucky, terrible smelling ashes. In the middle of the pile was a terrifying monster. It's beady black eyes captured my own. I had never really thought about it, but every monster I have ever met has had some kind of emotion running through it's eyes. Whether it be hatred, anger or fear. What really scared me about this beast was its soulless eyes emotionlessly boreing  into mine.

It's gray, black substance of so called skin ranged from scales, rotting feathers, straight bone, or even lumps of fleshy ash looking goops. Slime of all thickness trickled down the monster in all sorts of places. Looking at it made me feel sick.

Panicked, I drew my sword. The monster grew spikes all over its body. With a sharp in take of breath, the spikes flew at high speeds. Yelping, I dove behind a tree, fighting my misgivings. My arm flared up in pain. Looking in disgust, I saw the spike imbedded in my skin. Slowly but surly, dark, sickening veins started spreading.

On instinct, I took the spike out. I didn't have time to treat it, a deafening roar reminded me. Pushing my sour sudden sick feeling, I tentatively peered behind the tree. There was no way I could fight that thing up close, but it was my only choice. Hefting Anaklusmos, I sprung forward using my only advantage, surprise.

I aimed for the eye and hit my mark. My victory was short lived when a muddy hand smacked me into a tree, hard. Gasping for breath, I staggered to my feet. Since when did the monster have arms?

I was given an answer as I watched it grow another arm from the piling goop and slime. Welp, slicing off bodies parts is now a no no considering it could just grow more. Black slush oozed from where I stabbed its eye. I gagged and would have thrown up but I couldn't. My arm stung, I looked down at it found where there should have been a hole, there were dark veins in a circular pattern. Refocusing on the battle, I lifted my glaze to the beast.

I was lucky the monster was so slow, but it seemed to be undefeatable. It was like no monster I had ever seen. Grinding my teeth and tensing my muscles, I launched myself at the monster. I sliced and slashed, ducked and dodged creating cuts of oily oozing black slime trailing down the surface of it's body.

I stabbed where I assume the heart should have been. It didn't yep when I stabbed it, in fact, it didn't show any acknowledgement that I impaled it at all. It did grab me and put me in a tight position though. It was like a being on the inside of a locked door, I just couldn't get out. My sword hit the ground. I struggled, twisted, flailed desperately. The monster's arms got tighter around my stomach, I couldn't breath.

Dark ashes, from the monster, climbed up my body trying to consume me. This was the worst situation I had ever been in, I was stuck. I was losing air fast. There wasn't enough oxygen getting to my brain and I was a starting to lose it. Instead of black spots filling my vision, pure light ones did instead. It fulfilled the same job, I was starting to lose consciousness.

An arrow whizzed past my ear, striking the monster straight on the head. Again, the monster showed no recognition of pain. As much as it creeped me out, I praised the shooter of the arrow. Sadly the monster didn't let go.

Arrows rained down like a hurricane traveling at the speed of light, each one hit its mark. A force slammed into me causing the monster to let go and me to hit the ground, hard. I took huge gasps of air praising Ouranos with each one. Shakily I got up, I was covered in the monster's goo.

I raised my sword, determined to help, and finished off the thing with my arrow shooting companions. The monster's shape slowly sunk to the floor, all traces of life gone. The slime turned to dust, but not very quickly. The dust seemed to be absorbed by the soil and trees, sucking out all color until I was staring at a scene of gray upon gray.

Two girls jumped down from the trees. Both of them held their bows as they advanced towards me.

"Are you insane?" The one with crystal blue eyes asked. She had waist long white hair tinted blue. There was a certain ferocity in her eyes that made me respect her.

"Why in the trillions of galaxies of the Milky Way would you try to take that on your own. You should have at least used your bow, than you couldn't have been caught!" The honey blond girl scolded. She had hazel eyes with a hint of yellow in them.

I blush and hung my head. I was beaten pretty bad in that fight. The blue eyed girl studied me. "I haven't seen you before," she held out her hand, "I'm Polaris and this is Sol."

I looked at them a little distrustfully but mostly I felt shy, "Percy." I said shaking both their hands. Then something clicked. Polaris, the North Star, a part of the Big Dipper. Sol, Sun in English. I was in the presence of the North Star and the Sun.

What do you think the monster is? I made it up but it's crucial for the plot.

What did you think? Good?

- Daughter of Poseidon, Legacy of Apollo, Hunter of Artemis signing off NOW.

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