3. flower girl

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My hands shake around the curling iron, hoping i will look alright for my, apparent, soulmate. A flowy dress dances around me knees, a pastel pink that I loved so much, paired with a light denim jacket. Alright, yeah, maybe a little too much for an old pizza pub, but still, my mind is buzzing from excitement. 



My truck pulls up, the parking lot nearly full from the saturday lunch crowd. The bell twinkles as I push the door open, and I instantly spot her sitting alone. Only 2 words can describe her: breath taking. My hands shake and the carpet begins to sway, but I hold my ground, and walk gracefully towards her. The cut on my arm is red and itchy, a bandaid only adding to the pain. 

"Hey, Ellie?" 

Her head jerks up from messing with the bracelet on her wrist, and her honey eyes widen as they rest on me. 

"Hey! Sorry I got here so early, I was just so excited to meet you." 

A sweet country drawl, and my heart instantly melts. 

"Yeah, I'm really happy, too."

I sit down, and with that, we fall silent into awkwardness. Great. 

"Line please?" Ellie has her hand cupped in a whisper, but I can't help but laugh. 

"You are such a dork."

"Well, I'm your dork." Ellie wiggles her eyebrows and my face turns to fire. 

"That is technically true, I suppose." My hand crept forward and laid down on top of hers. 

A middle aged looking woman walked up, our waitress. 

"What can I get you lad- are you two on a DATE?!? That is against God's words!! You disgusting fags will go to hell for this!!!!" Her body was curled up like a snake, her mouth spitting fire as I watched Ellie's heart crumble. 

"Hey! You need to shut the fuck up, we are soulmates and have every right to love each other! You are definetely not a christian of any kind and don't deserve love!" I feel my hands grab Ellie and pull her up without being told to. Without another word, we storm out the door. 


Oh the tears, they fall and fall as if the faucet could never stop. A waterfall of heartbreak, and I was the one to soak it up. We were laying in the front seat of my truck, Ellie laid across my lap, her sniffling into my shoulder. No words were exchanged, only my hand running through her hair, trying to ease the pain. 

"Jules, Jules I'm so sorry this happened." 

"No no no, don't be sorry my love." 

She sits up and pushes back her hair. A single tear falls, but I brush it away. Ellie's eyes meet mine and it's the stars have smiled down on me. Closer and closer until I can feel the heat from her face brush against mine, but it doesn't take long for us to close the gap in time between us. Her wet eyes shine from the sun, and she smiles as we kiss. 


So excited to continue!! My heart was breaking as I wrote the table scene :*( 

Hugs and flowers ~ Shelby! 

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