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Jimin trying to calm down n let his mind clear for a while but then his tears start flowing out from his puffy eyes as he remember about something that make his heart in pain  ...


Jimin was 12 years old ..he was sitting and crying at the corner of the small room while wiping his tears with tissue ..jimin was attending his mom's funeral ...Jimin was scared and lonely at the same time ..

Jimin's mom death was not causes by any accident or serious injury but it was a mystery accident that jimin even know about it ..

it is because jimin was still a little kid that dont know anything about life and tend to be strong without his mom beside him

The time flying very fast till jimin reach 17 ...He then slowly trying to find out about his mom's mystery deadth ..

jimin right now was raise by his uncle and aunty who seems closer with him since he was borned.They treated jimin well and pay for jimin's education when he was studying oversea..

After comeback from oversea he arrived at korea and decide to continue study here ..but then he desperately wanted to figure out about the behind of his mom's deadth

Jimin get permission from his uncle and aunty which now he definately call them as eomma and appa now ..

He want to go back and check out about his old house which he stay with his beloved mom before she died..

Jimin enter the house and the house seems really old and there are a lot of spider web at the wall ..

jimin was about to sneeze when he started to enter his mom's secret room which he was ordered by his mom not to enter the room because the danger that may led him ..

Jimin was wonder why his mom telling that to him and make him more curious about that secret room .

Jimin held the door knob and turn to open the door ..he open and enter the room .the room was quite smaller and darker .He looked around the room and found a lot of their family picture when he was young .

He at the same time feeling sad as he remembered the memories with his family ..while he was touring the room,jimin suddenly kicked a small box on the floor that was labeled "Kang So Hee" was his mom name on it ..

Jimin picked up the box and put it on the table so it could be easy for him to check what was in the box ..he opened the box and noticed there were a lot picture of his mom and dad .

Their parents was young on that time and at the same moment tears flowing on his cheek as he really really miss his parents ..

While he was crying and holding the picture..he fliped the picture and saw some notes on it ..The note was written by his mom for him ..

"uri adeul ..if you found out this note that's mean both of your parents were no longer with you anymore ..hope you will stay strong and move on witb your life after both of us leave you ..there still a lot of things that you need to know but we couldnt tell you since you was younger that time ..HOPE THAT YOU WILL FOUND OUT ABOUT IT SOON DEAR ..SARANGHAE 💜"

jimin burst into tears and hugged his parents picture again before he put it back in the box the same time he wiped his tears and saw a small book .It was his mom diary ...

since the day was getting dark ..he decided to bring back the box home along with him ...

After finished cleaning up himself ..he layed on his bed and take out the diary from the box and read it ..

Jimin was ready to wipe his tears but then he stop reading at surtance pages and think about it again and again ..On that diary he found out that his dad was a vampire and his mom was killed by several of vampires..

Jimin's mind was blown and full with question ..he was wonder if his dad was really a vampire and keep that as secret from him ..maybe because he was young during that time ...

But then ..he noticed that before his mom deadth,his mom was able to jot down all the last word before he died as she know that she will die soon ..He cried at the moment when he read about him ...

Jimin was shocked on his mom's word that written he was a mix of vampire and human ...the most important is he was borned as a pure blood vampire  which is other vampire can drink his blood too ...

But there's written again.."if you dont want the other vampire found out about you need to keep running and hiding from them .."That was the last word from his mom so that her child will be safe from other vampires..

Jimin kinda dont believe it and left the note ..He thinks that he could survive  freely going out without worrying about anything and enjoy his life ...

But after several years ..jimin's was not able to live anymore as the vampires keep looking for him ..

*end of flashback

Jimin regrets everything ..he does not listen to his mom advices and now he was trapped in the dark room by the unknown creepy man ..

Sorry guys this time the story is quite long LMAO 😂😂 hope you all enjoy reading it ..more update will coming soon 😍

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