Oneshot #3 - Linh x Fitz

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Takes place after Nightfall.

Linh was acting weird lately. She was a little nervous and hesitant, and usually Linh was really upbeat and energetic, but something had changed.

They both walked into her room, they were going to study together for the midterms coming up. He wanted to address the way she was acting so he approached Linh gingerly. "Is everything ok?" He asked, taking her hand when she didn't answer.

She blushed, then replied, "Yeah! Everything's awesome!" With a smile Fitz could tell was fake.

Fitz had a horrible thought. What if she is planning on joining the Neverseen? He knew Linh would never do that, but after the scare that Keefe had given him when he switched, he had to make sure.

He also knew it was against the law, but Linh's friendship meant so much more to him then some stupid law.

As Linh played with her pet murcat, Fitz opened up his mind to hers. What is she thinking about?

He got his answer almost immediately. She was thinking about him. He breathed a sigh of relief, then realized what that meant.

Does she like me? A second after he thought that he realized his mistake. Their minds were still connected.

He quickly disconnected his mind, then stole a glance at Linh. She was blushing, trying her hardest to focus on her pet that Tam bought her because he lost a bet.

The silence was deafening, so Fitz shattered it with, "I'd better leave...?"

"Ok." Linh said, still embarrassed. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yup!" He walked out, with the weird, unexpected events replaying in his mind, then leaped back to Everglen with a smile.

• • •
Linh's POV

That was close. She thought. Well, now he knows. Linh sat down, trying to contemplate what in the world just happened. Does he like me? Why did he leave so fast? He probably hates me now. She became a little sad at the thought.

Her crush on Fitz started almost immediately after she met him. He was so nice and funny at the same time. She never really had plans to become anything more than friends, and she just expected it to stay a one sided crush.

Now that he knew her secret, it was going to be a bit weird between them. Linh sat up and walked out of her room and ran right into Tam.

"Hey!" Tam said, happier than usual and not fazed in the slightest. "I saw Fitz leave early, what happened?"

"Well first of all, why are you so happy?" Linh asked, trying to stall.

"Oh, nothing. Just that Biana is going to the dance with me!" (I will do a Tiana oneshot were this happens) he said, clearly super excited. "But thats not important right now, stop stalling! Fitz was smiling, so . . . what happened?"

She sat down on the nearest chair, kinda scared at what Tam's reaction might be, he didn't know about her crush. "Well, Fitz came over to help me study for midterms, and then he got worried or something, because I was silent for a long time, but I was just trying to figure out the question we were working on, and—"

"Hold on, he was worried about you?" Tam interrupted.

  It must of been because of what happened earlier because he was more gossipy I guess was the right word.

"Does he, I don't know, like you?" Tam said with a smile.

"Nooooo..." She dragged out the word, emphasizing it. But as she thought about it, did he like her? He was always complimenting her and smiling. I thought he likes Sophie? "Why would he like me?" She said, both to Tam and herself.

"Maybe because you're smart, incredibly gifted, and a really nice person?"

She chuckled and walked past him, not wanting her secret revealed. Tam only suspected that Fitz liked her.

• • •
Fitz POV

He held out his Imparter, daring himself to call the girl he couldn't figure out. Does she like me? Do I like her?

He had been asking his mind that since he got back to Everglen, and he thought he had an answer.

"Linh Song." He said to his device with a shaky voice.

The screen filled with Linh's pretty face and Fitz said: "Hello, um . . ." He made up his mind. "Do you maybe, uhh, would you like to join me on a trip to Atlantis tomorrow?"

Linh stared back at him, frozen.

"I'm sorry, I've just made everything worse and—"

"Fitz," Linh said. "I would love to."

Fitz was surprised. He had asked Linh out on a date. He did it. And she said yes.

Feeling confident, he stole Keefe's line and said "It's a date, Linh."

• • •
The next day, Atlantis, Dinnertime, Linh POV

She arrived at the restaurant that they decided on. She was early, Fitz wasn't there yet. She was really excited and had spent the last 24 hours thinking about it. And Fitz.

She (and Tam) picked out a simple strapless dress for the event. Much like Sophie, she didn't like fancy, frilly clothes. It made her feel weird.

Linh turned around as she heard a slight noise. It was Fitz! He looked amazing with a custom made tuxedo.

"Wow Linh, you look incredible." He said sincerely, causing her cheeks to get warm.

"Same to you Fitz." She said, returning the compliment.

He opened the door for her, his hand gesturing for Linh to walk in. "Ladies first!"

She grinned and walked into the fancy restaurant that they agreed on. It looked even better in person. The night went on and they both ordered the same thing. They talked and talked, mostly about life and school. Toward the end of the meal, Fitz started a different topic.

"So Linh, uh," Fitz started.

"Yes?" She replied.

He cleared his throat before continuing. "Would you like to . . ." He took her hand. "Be my girlfriend?"

She didn't skip a second before answering. "Why wouldn't I Fitz?"

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in like a month and a half. Be prepared for s l o w updates. Hope you liked it any request any ideas! Word count: 1023

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