Oneshot #4 - Sophie x Fitz

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Takes place after Nightfall but before Flashback, for obvious reasons

Sophie was so excited. Alden was going out on a mission thingy for the council and Fitz had invited her over for a sleepover. She had to be there in an hour.

She placed the last item in her bag and sighed happily. Her crush on the Vacker had only increased over time and their cognate exercises. She had gotten super close to telling him but she decided to save it for a special moment, not in a classroom. This would be perfect.

"Sophie!" Her dad Grady called from downstairs. "It's time to leave!"

She closed her bag and threw it over her shoulder. With one last look at Ella, who she decided to leave behind because of the teasing that would be guaranteed if she brought it. She walked out of her room while shutting off the lights.

"Coming!" She shouted back, running to the leapmaster. "Bye, mom! Bye, dad!" She waved goodbye and yelled "Everglen!" To the device.

• • •

When she arrived in Everglen everybody was waiting for her. Della and Biana welcomed her in and she ran up into one of the many guest rooms and plopped her stuff in the room closest to Fitz's room.

"Sophie, are you up for a game of BaseQuest?" Fitz asked her as a way of greeting.

"Yeah, Biana, want to play too?"

Biana looked up. "Sure, but we have to play the free-for-all version because we only have three players."

Sophie nodded and said: "sounds good!"

Sophie ran off to a secluded part of the property, then opened her mind to Fitz.

Fitz? Sophie mentally asked.

Yeah? I'm here. He replied back.

Let's team up and beat Biana. She said in the best impression of a conspiring voice.

Sure! He replied, really eager.

Sophie tracked Fitz and Biana's location in comparison to where she was. Fitz was relatively close, but Biana was on the other end of the forest.

I'm going to come over to you Sophie said to Fitz. Let's meet up at the giant oak tree near the lake. I'm east to the tree.

Deal he agreed.

After a little bit, Sophie found herself at the tree, Fitz not there. She looked around for him but she could see nothing. She decided to hide behind a bush since Biana might be searching for her or her base.

All of a sudden Fitz jumped out behind her and tackled her as gentle as he could.

"What the heck?!" Sophie nearly shouted at him. He just put a finger above his lips as to say; shhh. He then pointed to a bush in the distance.

She followed his finger to see Biana looking for them. She looked back at Fitz awaiting a plan.

"You go that way," he gestured to the left of Biana, "and I'll go the other way. Meet up behind her and we will look for her base."

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