Oneshot #5 - Linh x Dex

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Takes place after Flashback

Dex had a plan. He wanted to trick Linh into a date with him. Well, not trick, he would never do that to her, but go on a date without her realizing.

You see, Dex had liked Linh since that time in Alluveterre. Dex felt good around her, and after the Sophie disaster Linh had been his one true friend.

She was the only person he felt he could be himself around, besides his parents. He had no idea if she returned the feelings to him, but he would like to think so when she makes him feel special.

Linh also seemed interested in the techy part of him, and sometimes she helped him devices whenever he got a request from Tinker.

She was so friendly and shy, but she opened up around him. He liked that.

So Linh likes tech, small cute animals, and maybe even him, so he would have to plan their "date" accordingly.

As Dex sat in his desk, he started to brainstorm, which he was really good at.

He quickly came up with the idea to steal Sophie's . . . What was it called? iPod.

He would ask her for it for a project, then incorporate it into the date? He didn't know. All of a sudden an idea popped into his head.

Sophie had once showed him this application on the iPod where you could watch a small movie. Maybe he could watch an animal movie!

He started to write in his notebook. Being Dex, he had to have a clear plan and a backup in case something goes wrong.

The next day he went to ask Sophie for the first part of his plan. Although he didn't like her anymore, he still thought she looked good.

"Hey Sophie, can you do me a favor?" Dex asked. "I need your iPod."

"Sure, but why do you need it?" She replied.

He blushed but regained his emotions. "Well I need to experiment and I want to see if I can make my own version, uhh a DexPod." He said, trying to be convincing.

If she noticed anything she didn't comment. But she did smile before she went upstairs to get it.

A minute later Sophie was back, a bit flustered from running up and down the stairs.

"How long do you need it?" She asked. Dex truthfully didn't know.

"Couple days?" He suggested.

"Okay, that seems fine. I never really play on it so if you need it longer you can extend it."

He returned the smile and waved goodbye.

Step one, check.

Step two was to figure out how to make the iPod work. Sophie also graciously gave him the charger, because she explained that the battery doesn't last that long.

Stupid humans and their technology. You have to recharge it for almost an hour everyday? Maybe he could fix that.

He put it on the specialized charger (since Elves don't have outlets he made his own) and waited. And waited. And fell asleep. He woke up and it was time for dinner. Before he went down he checked the iPod. Full battery. I'll work on it after dinner.

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