We're gonna be alright...?

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"Where are we going?" Max questioned.

Cold, bleary and exhausted David and Max made their way along the cobblestone footpath. It was an endless void of sidewalks and rusty, abandoned buildings. Not a single form of life was present, and the deafening silence gave the two goosebumps.

"We need to get out of the city," David replied, anguish quivering in his voice. "Right now we're on the west side, and that leads to a smaller town where Gwen lives."

"Then what are we gonna do? We can't just leave and pretend this never happened."

He almost stopped in his tracks to ponder that question. They had run away so prematurely, did they even have a plan? David looked down, only for the two's eyes to lock.


Max raised an eyebrow, impatiently waiting for his question to be answered.

"...I don't know.."

Max huffed and shook his head, looking back down onto the floor again. "W-Well let's just get the fuck out of here before that cultist son of a bitch gets our asses killed." His breathing quickened in pace, silently cursing at himself for stuttering. He fidgeted with his fingers as he hoped David wouldn't catch on.


He refused to meet eye contact with him. He was suddenly yanked and brought to a back of a crumbling house. David held both of Max's hands softly as he slowly crouched down to his level.

"You know... it's okay to feel scared, Max." he started.

Fuck. He knew, and tears were already starting to bubble to the surface.

"The fuck? I-'m fine..." He gulped, knowing fully what was going to happen next.

"I'm scared too. I'm scared about what's going to happen next... scared for you..." David trailed off, engulfed in the raging tornado of horrible thoughts in his head. "...But I want you to know... that I love you, and everything is going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to us, I promise." He wrapped his arms around Max and silently held him there as he caved.

He hugged David back and started wailing. "I-I don't know how he *hic* fucking did t-this!" He exclaimed. David's shirt was getting wet (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) from all of the tears, but that was the least of his concerns. "I don't wanna die... I don't want us to die." He held onto him for dear life as he kept crying.

"We're not going to die... we're gonna be alright." David cooed, ruffling his hair.

"But w-what if we do-"

"Max, If they want you, they're going to have to get through me first. I'll make sure of that." he interrupted in a stern voice. He continued to hug Max until his cries died down to quiet sniffles. They freed themselves of their hug and David cautiously put his hands on Max's shoulders

"Are you okay?"

He nodded silently.

"Alright, let's get moving ag-"

The shrill sound of a car screaming to a halt echoed throughout the neighborhood. They peered out the side of the house in time to see a horde of men in white piling out of a van and splitting off into different directions. They quickly dashed out of their line of sight and searched for somewhere to hide. A huge door dug into the ground immediately caught their attention. A storm cellar.

"Go! In there!" He practically pushed Max to the door and broke it open, stumbling down the stairs as it once again slammed shut. There were multiple boxes, some cabinets, and tables that they were easily able to hide behind. He grabbed his bag and fumbled for his phone. He tapped the contact Gwen and pressed call.

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