Maternal Instincts (Rewritten)

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"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" David screamed into the phone.

"No need to fear, David," Daniel mocked. "Max is perfectly safe with me." David was at a loss for words. He walked a fine line between finding Daniel and brutally murdering him, or crying. Before he got the opportunity to speak, Daniel continued.

"However, I would make your way back to your apartment, unless you want something bad to happen to him."

"What... do you mean-"

"Tick Tock, David. I'm giving you four hours to be back there, otherwise, he's gone. For good." Next came a loud beep, and the call ended, leaving David in the silence. His eyes widened and his trembling hands covered his face to muffle his scream as he collapsed onto the floor and cried. Attracting the attention of Gwen, Nikki, and Neil, they ran into the room to see his troubled state.

"Holy shit, are you okay?"

"What the fuck did he say to you?"

He looked up to see the three crouching down at him, shock etched on their faces, expecting an answer.

He gulped. "I have to meet him back at my house in four hours otherwise he'll kill him..." He sniffled. The three exchanged horrified looks as Gwen helped David stand.

"What are we gonna do?" Nikki asked.

"Well, I don't think we have much of a choice other than we need to take David back, I'll help you pack some stuff," Gwen answered. She led David into her room, leaving the two kids in silence. It stayed that way until Nikki groaned as she buried her face into her hands.

"This is my fault... I should've just let him stay home," she mumbled.

"Hey," Neil comforted. "It wasn't your fault. Frankly, I don't think it was anyone's. If he knew they were here, he would've found a way inside the house regardless." Nikki said nothing. Footsteps filled the silence and David and Gwen emerged from the hallway. David remained quiet. All of the joy and hope had evaporated from him, and they were left with this empty, desolate person. The two had garnished themselves of knives and Gwen held a 9mm handgun.

"Woah, how'd you get the guns?" Nikki asked, marveled.

"I'm licensed." Gwen replied bluntly, which Neil raised an eyebrow to.

"Why the hell do you need a license?" Neil questioned.


"And you do realise that if you bring that you're nine times out of ten going to lose that license?" he continued.

She shrugged. "It's a risk I'm willing to take. You guys are gonna have to go back home now, I can't bring you guys along-"

"Wait!" Neil interrupted as an idea sparked in his brain. "What if we can help you?"

David shot Gwen an alarmed look with his dull eyes, but no words came from his mouth.

"What..?" Gwen stammered. "No, I'm not putting you two in danger-"

"Come on Gwen!" Nikki pleaded, her confidence regaining by the second. "I can fight and pounce on people like a wolf! David would know that! And wolves are practically indestructible!" She beamed.

"No, they aren't-"

"And Neil has some really poisonous thingies!" Nikki went on. This caught Gwen's interest. Hesitantly, she glanced at Neil, encouraging him to elaborate.

"They're at my place, I can show you if you let us come with you." He replied, earning a groan from Gwen at the lack of explanation.

"Gwen, what are you..." David trailed off quietly.

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