1. Clearing a Space of Negative Energy

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This spell is good to work before performing any other magic in your home.

While it's not necessary to clear your space before every single spell, you should

definitely do this before the first spell, and then periodically throughout the year. If it's

been several weeks or more since you last cleared your space, then it's a good idea

to repeat this spell. Likewise, if you or anyone else you live with has been dealing

with a hardship recently, clear your space before working any spells to improve the


As you develop your relationship with magic, you will learn to get a sense for when

space clearing is necessary, based on how the atmosphere feels.

You will need:

 Dried juniper needles tied with thread or string*

 Matches**

 Ceramic or clay bowl filled with soil


Before you begin, open a window at least an inch in order for the negative energy to

have a place to go once it's been banished from the space.

Spend a few minutes clearing your mind of any mundane thoughts. Take a few deep

breaths. When you're ready, strike a match and light the juniper bundle, and stand

facing North.

Say: With this juniper, I banish all negative energy from this space, and welcome in

only positive light.

Wave the burning juniper bundle in small circles to fan the smoke.

Turn to the East, repeat the words, and continue to wave the bundle. Turn to the

South and repeat again. Finally, turn to the West and repeat once more.

Turn again to the North, and place the bundle, burning side down, into the bowl of

soil to extinguish it. Discard the bundle, preferably by burying it outdoors. You may

close the window after a few minutes, or until you sense that the negative energy

has fully departed.

*Be sure to leave enough room at the end of the bundle (below the string) for your

fingers to hold it without being burned.

**If you don't have matches, a lighter will work just as well, but matches are

preferable for most magical purposes.

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