9. Attracting Love

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Singles can increase the favorable energy for meeting new love interests with this

romantic spell. Best performed on a Friday.

You will need:

 1 red candle

 Flower petals (rose petals are ideal, but any flower petal, fresh or dried, will


 Jasmine oil, diluted with carrier oil for use on skin

 1 piece of garnet, rose quartz, moonstone, or sapphire

 Hibiscus tea


First, prepare the tea. Be sure to cover while steeping as you proceed with the spell.

Put a few drops of the oil on the pulse points on your wrists collar bone, and temples,

and then anoint the candle. Place the stone next to the candle, and create a triangle

around the two with the flower petals so that the candle and stone are at the

triangle's center.

Concentrate on the thrilling feeling of discovering new love.

When you feel ready, say I bring bright love into my life, for the good of all and harm

to none. Light the candle, and say So let it be.*

Drink the hibiscus tea, and let the candle burn out on its own. Carry the stone with

you when you go out.

*If you work with deities, this is a good spell to invoke the help of the Goddess,

and/or a particular aspect of the Goddess associated with love, such as Aphrodite

(Greek) or Aine (Irish). You can use the invocation provided above, or create your

own. Do this before lighting the candle.

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