4. Magical Kitchen Talisman

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Although the kitchen is considered an ideal place for the Witch to work magic, not

everyone feels at home when it comes to cooking. Especially for those with busy

lifestyles, the kitchen can inadvertently become a stressful place. If you're not

enjoying your meals at home, are just learning how to cook, dislike cooking, or have

any negativity associated with meal time, magic can make a wonderful difference.

This talisman balances the energy associated with the modern "hearth" and

promotes a relaxed, nourishing environment where food can be lovingly prepared

and enjoyed.

For best results, first clear the space of any unwanted energy, using the spell

outlined above, and then work this spell, either immediately afterward or within a few


You will need:

 1 very small jar (like an old spice jar – ideally holding no more than ¼ cup)

with a well-fitting lid

 1 whole star anise (consecration, purification, luck)

 2 teaspoons dried rosemary (mental agility)

 1 bay leaf (good fortune, success)

 9 dried pinto beans (opening channels, creating action and movement)

 1 small amethyst stone*

 Earth candle (green or brown)

 Fire candle (red or orange)

 Matches

*If you can't find amethyst, you can use a small rock or pebble that is pleasing to

you, ideally one you've found in a beautiful natural setting. No matter what you use,

be sure to energetically cleanse and charge the stone before creating the talisman.


Light the candles, acknowledging the power of the Element that each represents as

it relates to food and food preparation in the home.

When lighting the Earth candle, you might say I thank the Earth for nourishing


When lighting the Fire candle, you can say I thank the Fire for nourishing


Place the beans in the jar & say I open the space for creativity and joy in my kitchen.

Add the star anise to the jar & say my magical power shines in my kitchen.

Add the rosemary to the jar & say I create with confidence in my kitchen.

Then, write your name on the bay leaf and place it in the jar.

Hold the amethyst (or other stone) in your hands and say all negativity is banished

from my kitchen, then place in the jar.

Hold the jar in both hands and say for the good of all, with harm to none, so let it be.

Close with the lid & tie the ribbon around the jar. Place the jar between the two

candles and say by the light of this sacred fire, this instrument of magic is blessed.

Leave the jar there for a few moments, reflecting quietly in gratitude for the bounty of

the Earth, and for Nature's infinite creativity.

Keep the jar in a prominent place in your kitchen where you will see it often. You

may want to hold it in your hands for a moment or two before beginning preparations

for a meal.

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