6. Spell of Protection from Negative People

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When there's someone in your life who you find it difficult to be around but can't

avoid, this two-part spell can help ease the psychic and emotional burden.

You will need:

 A black candle

 A pinch of vervain – preferably the flowering heads

 A piece of black tourmaline or other black stone

 A bowl of sea salt


Part One:

Scatter the petals around the candle.

Light the candle and say I release any and all negativity from the unhappy person (or

people) in my life.

Hold the stone in your dominant hand and visualize all negative energy in yourself

from that person (or people) being drawn into the stone. When you feel cleared of all

negativity, bury the stone in the salt.

Part Two:

Make a circle with your thumb and index finger.*

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, visualizing yourself enclosed in a

sphere of white light, protected from any unwanted energy emitted by other people.

Hold this image as you focus your attention on the circle your hand is making.

Practice this until you create an automatic association between the gesture and the

feeling of ease and well-being.

Whether you use this spell for help with a particular person, or people in general,

remember to use the gesture the next time you find yourself in the proximity of

negative energy from others.

*You may find that a different hand gesture works better for you. For best results,

make it something you can do discreetly in the presence of others so you don't draw

attention to yourself as you shield from the negativity.

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