8. Lucky Employment Spell

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Help counteract the anxiety around looking for work while vastly increasing your

chances of success at the same time. This spell is best done on a Sunday or

Thursday when the moon is waxing to full.

You will need:

 1 green or gold 7-day candle

 Incense (frankincense and/or sandalwood)

 Pen/pencil

 Piece of paper


Light the incense, and spend a few moments visualizing yourself in a job you enjoy.

Even if you don't know particularly what kind of job you'd like best and have to

remain fairly open, you can still develop and strengthen the feeling of secure

employment that gives you positive energy.

Write down some benefits you look forward to reaping from your new work. Perhaps

you'd like to put a down payment on a house, further your professional

advancement, or simply catch up on past-due bills.

Be sure to write these as positive, present-tense statements, such as "I can now

afford to upgrade my wardrobe" or "I work with exciting, positive, talented people."

Brainstorm these wonderful new circumstances for as long as you like, until you

have a strong feeling of enthusiasm about landing the job. Then fold the paper into a

triangle no bigger than a few inches.

Light the candle, saying The perfect job has found me, for the good of all and harm

to none. Blessed Be.

Leave the candle to burn out safely on its own (usually for up to seven days). Bury

the paper in your yard or in a potted plant.

Once you land the job, unearth it, give thanks, tear it into small pieces and recycle it.

If you land the job before the candle burns all the way down, snuff it out carefully and

thank the Universe for the rapid response.

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