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"Look at him! I would literally go down on my knees in a heartb- ouch!" Woojin hit Jisung in the head with his history book, making him shut up. They were sitting around their usual lunch table, and Jisung was thirsting over a new guy. Like always.
"Jisung! There are children here! And he has a girlfriend anyways, the guy's straight as a ruler." Chan argued.
"I'm just saying the truth! Who wouldn't go down on their knees for Lee Minho. And a little straight doesn't scare me!" Jisung protested. 
"I don't understand, why do you want to go down on your knees?" Jeongin asked confused.
"He's just kidding around Jeongin. You're to young to understand anyways." Woojin patted the youngest on the head lovingly.
"I'm not a kid! Stop treating me like one!" Jeongin protested, slapping the older's hand away.
Jisung muted out the rest of the argument, focusing back on the beautiful boy on the other side of the cafeteria.

Lee Minho was one of the most popular guys in their school. And Jisung totally got why, the boy was ethereal. His dark brown bangs were cut right over his eyes, and framed his face perfectly. Everything he wore looked high fashion, even their dull blue school uniform looked amazing on him. It was actually quite annoying how perfect he was, he could be covered in mud and sweat, and Jisung would still pay thousands to get a taste.

"Jisung! Are you even listening?" Changbin huffed. 
"No. Can you repeat it?" Jisung looked away from Minho leniently.
"Chan asked you if your parents have signed the form yet?" Everyone looked at him,
"Nope, my mom still doesn't want me to go abroad. This time she says the water will give me "the gay" witch i obviously have already." Jisung answered. And everyone started to laugh

"Omg! The gay should be the title of everything!" Seungmin snorted. 
"oh no... i have...The gay!" Changbin said dramatically while holding on to Chan for support.
"The gay is spreading! Run for your life!" Chan joined in.

"Talking about The gay, i need to go be one right now." Jisung looked to the other side of the cafeteria, Minho was walking out of the door with two of his friends, Felix and Hyunjin. The three of them always went out ten minutes before lunch stopped, just because the hallways always were filled with guys and girls trying to confess their love right before class started.
"Jisung, don't you dare follow him!" Woojin took a hold of Jisung's arm to stop him.
"I just need to pee, don't worry. I'm not on that level yet." Jisung lied, he was definitely following Minho. 

Jisung quickly walked after the three guys. In Jisung's mind, he wasn't stalking them, since he did need to pee. And the bathroom was kinda the same way. (It absolutely wasn't.)

"Ey Felix, have you spoken to that guy you told us you liked?" Hyunjin pushed Felix lightly.
"No, we don't have any classes together, and he's older, so i don't have a reason to talk to him." Felix whined
"What did you say his name was again?" Minho's voice made Jisung feel hot.
"I didn't. I don't want you to talk to him." Felix crossed his arms.
"Come on bro. I'll just invite him to one of my parties, and then you can fuck." Minho said.
"NO! He isn't like that! He's actually a really descent guy, who doesn't need sex to be with me!" Felix puffed out a loud breath of air.

"We'll see you later Minho." Hyunjin said before Felix and him scurried of, probably to their classrooms. 
"You're Han Jisung, right?" Suddenly Minho turned around to look at Jisung. Instead of getting flustered Jisung just nodded. 
"Why are you following me?" Minho asked, he didn't look scared or mad, just interested.
"Cause i wanna suck your dick."

Oral fixation // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now